First I want to thank all the people on this site for their input and help. I have been doing my HOMEWORK when it comes to gear. I do need some sound advice. There are people out there who are stacking 4 +. I need some advice on a simple, and in-expensive cycle. I am a fairly big guy. I'm 6' and weigh 248 lbs. I'm not cut but would rather drop the excessive poundage by cardio. I read the novice stacks at the beginning of this web site. There are so many. I realize that I must take some gear to prevent gyno and I need something to detoxify the liver. WOULD SOMEONE SEND ME A BEGINNER'S CYCLE WHICH ONLY INCLUDES A FEW ITEMS AND IS FAIRLY CHEAP? I'm looking for a 8 week cycle. Is deca and dianabol enough? What about test? Also, if it says 500 mgs per week, is that 500 at one time or should it be split up? Thanks in advance.