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Thread: More first cycle questions

  1. #1

    More first cycle questions

    Thanks for the response to my first questions... as I said, I am 3 weeks into my first cycle... 200mg Test. Cyp./ 200mg Deca per week for 10 weeks and 3 iu's per day HGH (Somatropin) Mon. through Fri. My calorie intake is 3000 to 3500 per day right now and between 300 and 400 grams protein. I enlisted a trainer who happens to own the Gym I go to to really push me through my cycle. He has me working shoulders and arms on Mon. Legs on Wed. and chest/back on Fri. pretty intense workouts to the point of total muscle failure, bad enough I have trouble getting around for about a day after.... does this sound like enough or should I be working more days a week? any other pointers would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Jessica Albas' ASS
    i work out 3 days on one day off (repeat)
    i like to be able to really target my muscles so the more days the more results as long as you split your muscle groups up well enough to let em rest in between

  3. #3
    no on my first cycle ( which was crap compared to yours ) I did fine 3 days a week... I only go 6 days a week now because I dont have a life anymore...

    over training is bad... 3 days a week with heavy compound exercises is very joe wieder circa 1991 ( and it works )... LOL

    looks pretty good bro..

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