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Thread: 50mgWinny/25mgD-bol/20mg Ox ED For 6wks (Liver,Recovery Questions)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Buenos Aires

    50mgWinny/25mgD-bol/20mg Ox ED For 6wks (Liver,Recovery Questions)

    Finally got my Ox brought from Canada by my girl. Will be planning a winny/d-bol/ox cycle. I have never done d-bol and am scared of getting puffy. Will this stack used over a six week period shut me down hard and is it too much for my liver. (I know it doesn't matter but the winny/d-bol or in one tab. 10mg Winny 5d-bol)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Buenos Aires

    I Just Came Across A 10mg Winny/20mg Anadrol mixed tab. What a strange combo!

    I have never messed with A-Bombs although winny has went hand in hand of many of my cycles, and while getting together a product list from Argentina I come across a very strange brew of strange roid in pill form I didn't think existed. (See My Other Post) Why would you stack Anadrol and Winny. I think it is like stacking Ox and Test Ent or Suspension. It just doesn't make sense.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    well, in relation to your other post

    3 orals for 6 weeks?

    and by oxy do you mean var or drol?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Buenos Aires
    Quote Originally Posted by map200uk
    well, in relation to your other post

    3 orals for 6 weeks?

    and by oxy do you mean var or drol?
    I won't touch Anadrol! I don't want to look like the State Puff!
    First I will give you my stats.
    I am 29 years old 6'2 weigh about 205-210lbs now. BF is about 10-12% and my cycle history is about 12 cycles. (I hate test, it shuts me down too hard and makes me break out) My body works well with anabolics even at low does even after all of my cycles. (I won't touch any alcohol while on)

    My Two Cycle Options: #1
    50mg Winny ED 6wks
    25mg D-Bol ED 6wks
    20mg Anavar ED 51day
    20mg Nolvadex ED throughout cycle
    5000IUs Organon Pregnyl
    60 50mg Clomids taken accordingly post cycle for three weeks with 140mcg of Clenbuterol to block cortisone
    ****load of Milk Thistle and Cranberry Extract.

    Option #2
    Same as above just knock off 10mg off both the Winny and D-bol. And run for forty days.
    Last edited by MrSkinny; 04-04-2005 at 12:04 PM. Reason: Forgot to add my stats. Need to be clear.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    That has got to be the absolute worst cycle I have ever seen in my life. Do some research before spending anymore money.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    so you are going to run 3 orals. you also are not going to run test.
    this is not a smart thing to do. your liver is going to be under alot of stress.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in from the Cold
    Quote Originally Posted by MrSkinny
    Finally got my Ox brought from Canada by my girl. Will be planning a winny/d-bol/ox cycle. I have never done d-bol and am scared of getting puffy. Will this stack used over a six week period shut me down hard and is it too much for my liver. (I know it doesn't matter but the winny/d-bol or in one tab. 10mg Winny 5d-bol)
    Three orals for six weeks. Shoot the only thing you left out to really toast your liver is vodka.

    I would not be afraid of getting puffy, I would be afraid of liver damage.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    I am not even concerned about about the liver, I think that is overrated, my concern is your cardiovascular system. IMO all orals suck because they all send HDL in to the basement, and you are running 3. Your HDL will probaly be in the single digits laying the ground work for plenty of aterial damage. Orals are why steroids have a rep for causing heart disease.

    Good luck with your cycle.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Buenos Aires
    I have not bought the D-bol and Winny yet. Haven't decided to do it. Just know that at this particular time I am in South America and have no access to Primo #1 Choice or EQ #2 Choice. I have a list from someone here and unfortunately Primo or EQ aren't on it. I only have 102 10mg tabs from Orbits because my girl came last minute and that's all I could get on such short notice. I suppose I could buy some sustenon from the Farmacia but I hate teste. It makes me break out and shuts me down hard when I am off. I have taken Test 400 and Prop. Both also made me get flu like symptons. I also have access to Halotestin. Although I don't know anything about it. And from the reading I have done it is very toxic.
    I guess I could simply do Ox/Winny and run a crapload of Creatine with it. Or I could take 20mg of ox ed and 250mg Organon Sustenon per week. That is another option. But again, I hate test because of the sides I get.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by MrSkinny
    I have not bought the D-bol and Winny yet. Haven't decided to do it. Just know that at this particular time I am in South America and have no access to Primo #1 Choice or EQ #2 Choice. I have a list from someone here and unfortunately Primo or EQ aren't on it. I only have 102 10mg tabs from Orbits because my girl came last minute and that's all I could get on such short notice. I suppose I could buy some sustenon from the Farmacia but I hate teste. It makes me break out and shuts me down hard when I am off. I have taken Test 400 and Prop. Both also made me get flu like symptons. I also have access to Halotestin. Although I don't know anything about it. And from the reading I have done it is very toxic.
    I guess I could simply do Ox/Winny and run a crapload of Creatine with it. Or I could take 20mg of ox ed and 250mg Organon Sustenon per week. That is another option. But again, I hate test because of the sides I get.
    This cycle blows. Both primo and EQ, your #1 and #2 choices, are nearly worthless. Just stick to test, or test and tren.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    that s by far the X"$§%& cycle I have ever seen. do some research! and if u are a syringe pussy, don t use steroids at all.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ***xxx***
    that s by far the X"$§%& cycle I have ever seen. do some research! and if u are a syringe pussy, don t use steroids at all.
    agreed 100%

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Buenos Aires
    Okay first off. I am not a syringe pussy as you so lightly called it. My last big cycle, when I lived in LA (Very Close Proximo To TJ) I had access to everything. My cycle was as follows.
    QV Tren Wk 1-4 75mg EOD
    QV Prop Wk 1-8 50mg EOD
    QV Bold Wk 1-8 400mg wk
    Denkall Stanozolol Wk 2-11 50mg ED (25mg AM 25mg PM)
    Nolvadex 20mg ED
    HCG WK 6@5000iu's
    (PCT Cycle)
    Clomid day 1-3@300mg ED
    4-10@200mg ED
    11-14@100mg ED
    Clenbuterol 21st day after last shot of EQ. 140mcg day with 2 grams of Ketotifen.
    I am not a fool I know enough. I have researched and feel like Gilligan on an Island. I live in Argentina and so far have come up with one source, I have Orbit Ox from Canada and don't want to take Deca as last time is shut me down sooooo hard I couldn't f**k for over a month and lost all interest in Weights, women and was lethargic as f**k.
    I was only asking. Not a big fan of orals but I recognize the names and to be honest in the steroid profile section of this site it says Winny combines well with d-bols and from what I read ox is only mildly toxic so there you go. Say you hate EQ, I have taken it and love it. I have taken test and don't like the sides or the puffy look. EQ makes me veiny as hell and I get a nice gain in quality weight and I keep alot of it.
    This was simply to clarify. I can get Durateston here so may try Winny,250mg wk sus, and 20mg day of ox. I have what I have and it is not easy to walk into pharmacies and have everything on tap as it was in Tijuana.

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