I'm doing a paper with some mention of it related to AAS for some additional college courses I'm taking on sports med, mainly for myself since I already have a job in another feild lol can never have too much education.
I know that reduced levels of FSH caused by exogenous anabolic hormones leads to the reduction/ceasing of spermatogenesis in the testis because the sertoli cells are not being activated by FSH and therefore cause them to atrophy essentially from neglect. But I've read conflicting views on the role of LH, some say LH alone when supplemented can stimulate a limited amount of sperm production (and reduce atrophy), others say that FSH is the only one that matters when talking about sperm production and atrophy, or that both are required for significant enough production to occur to stop atrophy. Whos right?
So from someone that knows for sure, how is sperm production impaired w/ AAS use and how does atrophy of the testicles occur? Am I on the right track? Keep in mind we've been on this topic for only one class lol.