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Thread: Clen and 1-AD

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    HELL - I got the last col

    Clen and 1-AD

    Hey all, I have a few basic questions but first a little background

    5'8 195 *as of last week* I'm currently leaning out for summer.

    I am taking 1-AD the "pro-hormone" because I had some good gains on it last time. Ofcourse I take more than they recommend, roughly 6-700mgs a day.

    I have a strict diet which I believe I have finally gotten under control. I'm Carb Depleting (or at least trying)

    250 on the cheat day.
    Monday - Saturday I pyramid down from 125g of carbs to Friday and Saturday around 25g.

    I've heard about taking Clen in the morning before cardio and it's possible benefits. Well i'm researching up on the Clen now but am curious to know if anyone else besides the gentleman who recommended has ever tried it.

    Also Is there anything else which may be OTC that could help me. I'm trying to get down to around 7% and am currently at 12.5 - 12.3

    Cardio is good, upped it to 4 days of 45 minutes, working up to two sessions of 45 minutes (one morning one night) by the summer.

    Also, I'm taking Hydroxycut as my dietary aid.

    If I have left out anything please let me know, and any and ALL suggestions are welcome.


  2. #2
    ECA, or NYC will help and are OTC.

  3. #3
    oh and don't mix the clen with those. do 2 weeks of each and rotate them.

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