This is the 4th day of my NPP/Winny cycle and I feel depressed. My weight is up (not good for my sport) and my endurance went down (tested it yesterday). Maybe its to soon to judge...but I feel like theres no dopamine floating around my brain anymore and I feel tired. Have I been shut down already?
This is what I am taking: 210 mg Winny per week (inj ED) and 210 mg of NPP (inj EOD). No Test in there. Yeah, I know....but the Test sides that I suffered in the past are totally unacceptable and scared me at the last minute. I just figured I could deal with a small loss in libido for no test sides. Maybe my low dose cycle of Winny/NPP with HCG at the end, then Clomid/Nolvadex for PCT that I constructed is not OK?
Should I just hang in there.....or should I slam the Test after all? I would like comments from those who have used both with and without.