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  1. #1
    kalla's Avatar
    kalla is offline Banned
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    first Tren cycle!!

    This is my first tren cycke but my third cycle overall, gonna do ed shots from what I hear it will keep the blood levels stable. Here is my cycle tell me what you think.

    test prop week1-10 400mg a week
    tren ace week 1-8 50mg ed
    may throw some T3 and clen in during mid cycle.
    200mg b6 ed along with 10mg nolva and proper pct with clomid

    What you guys think, any suggestions? If I eat clean train properly what should i expect?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Expect to sweat and have great Boners.

    Maybe some EQ just for fun.

  3. #3
    Dj Reversal is offline Associate Member
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    i'd recommend dropped 100ml a day prop

    700mg / week prop
    375mg / week fina
    and adding either var or winny

    if u go var run it like the last 6-8 weeks
    or winny for the last 4.

    definitely cut tren out 2 weeks early

    also run l-dex and nolva through out cycle then proper pct.. thats what i did and it worked out great!

    did it with winny first and now im going with a fina/prop/var cycle in a month

  4. #4
    basskiller's Avatar
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    finaplix legend
    Last edited by basskiller; 10-07-2006 at 01:05 PM.

  5. #5
    Dj Reversal is offline Associate Member
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    1cc fina = 75mg
    1cc prop = 100mg

    and i even added b-12 in there @ .5cc a day

    so its a 2 1/2 cc injection a day with the b-12

    so its laid out like this

    fina ed 1cc week 1-8
    prop ed 1cc week 1-10
    b-12(optional) .5cc 1-10
    var week 2-10 recommended
    or winny week 6-10.

    clomid for pct

    might wanna run hcg like every 3 or 4 days while on cycle to.. keep ya nuts in check.

  6. #6
    whitehulk's Avatar
    whitehulk is offline Banned
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    im thinking of exact same cycle with test prop fina and winny. would taking tribulus and hc throughout the whole cycle help to keep my balls working? also i do have clomid for pct and nolvadex for the entire cycle if necessary. except my dosages are gonna be a lil lower cause i react to low doese really well so theirs no reason to up my doses and get more sides.

    wk 1-12 test prop 100mg eod
    wk 1-6 tren ace 100mg eod
    wk7-12 winny 75mg eod

    i know everyone is gonna be like thats not enough but in reality for mt it is plenty! i could easily gain 20 pounds of solid no fat muscle gains and not lose a pound when i get off. so please dont tell me to up my dosages liek crazy. thats how ppl get fuked up for long term. and most of you dont knwo it cause you dont talk to your dr and get regular tests like i do.

  7. #7
    Dj Reversal is offline Associate Member
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    thats pretty much my next cycle.. just im doing 60mg var ed instead of the winny.. for 8 weeks.. my last winny experience wasnt the best for my body.
    didnt really notice much.

  8. #8
    basskiller's Avatar
    basskiller is offline Associate Member
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    finaplix legend
    vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvv

  9. #9
    Mighty Joe's Avatar
    Mighty Joe is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by whitehulk
    im thinking of exact same cycle with test prop fina and winny. would taking tribulus and hc throughout the whole cycle help to keep my balls working? also i do have clomid for pct and nolvadex for the entire cycle if necessary. except my dosages are gonna be a lil lower cause i react to low doese really well so theirs no reason to up my doses and get more sides.

    wk 1-12 test prop 100mg eod
    wk 1-6 tren ace 100mg eod
    wk7-12 winny 75mg eod

    i know everyone is gonna be like thats not enough but in reality for mt it is plenty! i could easily gain 20 pounds of solid no fat muscle gains and not lose a pound when i get off. so please dont tell me to up my dosages liek crazy. thats how ppl get fuked up for long term. and most of you dont knwo it cause you dont talk to your dr and get regular tests like i do.
    If sides.....try going to ED hits with those compounds.

  10. #10
    Glock-19 is offline Banned
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    my experience

    I ran tren ace 100 mg ed and got huge but i also got huge lumps under my nips that i had cut out 2 months ago. make sure you do your research on pct and pray it dosent happen to you. im gonna start a tren cycle soon after taking a year and a half off all steroids . gl

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