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Thread: test levels

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    test levels

    say that I wonted to get a doctor to percribe me test because I have mucles that develop very slowly is there any thing I could do to lower my test levels before I get my levels checked?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I don,t see how bro its naturally ocurring in the body and only tapers off as you get older.Increase it yes decrease no IMO


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    no because I've herd of people haveing low test levels and the doctor giving them stuff for it. and I think that your levels go eather up or down after sex. because most of your test is produced in your balls I think not sure on this one let me know.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Test levels are not effected by sex.This came up on the old board and having sex does not change the levels.I think it was Mike who gave that answer.


  5. #5
    The original jason Guest


    I wouldnt recomend it for the bodies sake but i guess post cycle if u didnt use clomid your test levels are gonna be pretty low just a thought


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    There is an easy way to lower your test levels, but the amount of test the doctor will give you wont be enough to build muscle like a good steriod cycle would. You didnt state your age, but I doubt that "I need more muscles" would make a Dr. give you a prescription.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    alot of ppl try this....99% of the time it wont work.....they will taske dbol say 50 mg for about a week or so just enough to cause a crash ....go to the doc and tell them that they cant get it up.....well they do bloodwork which cost about 180 bucks....then they send them out to have it all checked.....then when it comes back in you are paying for another now you are well over 200 bucks......and you leave there with some shitty test gel that you rub on your body haha....and then that shit is about 200 bucks if you have good insurece it shoudl apy for 75% of it but still that gel aint going to do shit man...its not even really worth it

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    well so much for that idea. but still what are some of the sighns of having low test levels like mabye not being harry or having small balls and and mabye having trouble burring fat ect.

  9. #9
    Mike Guest
    Ok to clear some things up -

    AS for not being hairy - it has NOTHING to do with test levels believe it or not - as for prescriptions for test - to be considered low you should be around 300ug/dl or lower - as for what thewy prescribe - what shot is describing is androgel - whether they prescribe this or cypionate (which is more common now) is up to the doc - and yes he was right - the androgel is not very effective - TERRIBLE for bodybuilding not even worth it and as a test supp for people with a deficiency it usually doesnt even get test levels up to a good level. It's not a great idea bro - I wouldnt bother with it unless you're over 40 - if you are let me know and I think theres a way we could make it work out - if not...dont bother.

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