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Thread: How many BF%'s can be lost per month while on?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    How many BF%'s can be lost per month while on?

    I am in my 8th week of my first cycle - Test E and 2nd week of Winstrol. I am now wanting to cut.

    I currently follow the sticky cutting diet and a few other members cutting diets.

    I currently do 1hr cardio each day (30 min elyptical and 30 min bike). My goal is to for the first time in my life actually have visible abs. If I had to guess I would guess I am in the 14%'ish BF range - 6'0 at 185pounds.

    I am not even slightly chubby, but not thin enough for abs to show. I do have a belly when I am sitting down, if that makes sense.

    Anyways, whats a realistic goal to shoot for? 1% each month, 2%? More/less?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    well, 2 lbs per week is a good rule of thumb to make sure youre losing fat and not muscle... so if you weigh 185 and you lose 8 pounds thats about 4 or 5% in a month.

  3. #3
    2% per month is a good goal.....until you get down to around 9 or 10%...that's when it starts to get hard and a whole lot depends on the right diet, exercise, and all

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    well, 2 lbs per week is a good rule of thumb to make sure youre losing fat and not muscle... so if you weigh 185 and you lose 8 pounds thats about 4 or 5% in a month.
    Well, I dont want to lose weight. I'd like to maintain my current weight, so its a bit more involved than just stepping on a scale. I do have access to a hydrostatic tank and was thinking about a monthly dunk.

  5. #5
    yeah don't have to lose weight if your lifting and your on a cutting cycle....your going to prolly get cut and look sculped!!! shoot for 2% and do a lot of cardio!!!!(running) and eat right(no fast food ****)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    In a cage near you...
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    well, 2 lbs per week is a good rule of thumb to make sure youre losing fat and not muscle... so if you weigh 185 and you lose 8 pounds thats about 4 or 5% in a month.
    That's about right...It also depend son who much bodyfat you have...It's easier to lose it alot faster if you are extremely chubby...

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