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Thread: Starting first cycle! Need help

  1. #1

    Starting first cycle! Need help

    I'm 19 and I'm going to start my first cycle. Kinda. Around november I was stupid and decided that I was going to do a deca only cycle. After only taking it for 3 weeks, i started to notices signs of gyno. I upped the b6 to 600 ed. Syptoms persisted so i just decided to quit. Some people on this board told me I could have gotten test but I checked the batch # on qv's website and it matched up. My friend also got deca from the same guy and had no signs of gyno. But now I want to do a good cycle and just wanted to know what you guys thought. I've been training consistently for 6 years and training smart for about 3. I have a good diet that consist of god knows how many calories. I really would like to mostly cut up but would also like to put on some size. I have 15 inch arms or so and a 46' chest. Just wanted so see what you guys thought would be the best first cycle including pct. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    just do a search on "first cycles" there are hundreds of threads about your question.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    all the info is available for you here on this site, use the search button and you will find what your looking for, however, many people will say wait at 19yrs old and train till you in you mid 20s, the choice is yours

    good luck

  4. #4
    i would do a test only cycle if i were you preferably test e at 400-500mg a week

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Northwest US
    Quote Originally Posted by gymrat2399
    I'm 19 and.....


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