I have a question that has probably been answered a thousand times before but it's pretty specefic, most of the answers I see deal with hair loss/receding hairlines in general.
Anyways here is the question:
Does a recedeing hairline mean that you will go bald, get thin hair, have the receding continue, or is it possible that it could just stop, or continue slowly?
WHat are some your experiences with a receding hairline?
Basically here is why, my front hairline begins 6.5 cm from the root of my nose, but the temples tend to recede back to 7.5 on right side, and 8.5 on left side. Besides that, I have always had thick wavy brown hair , and it is still thick brown and wavy. But I am concerned about my forehead and what my hairline can mean or what others have experienced. I have always had a broad forehead since I was 16, very similar to James Dean, but not sure if I should be concerned.
Right now I am 26 years old, did some major cycles of test and eq and deca in my early 20's. Most of the males and females on both sides have full or mostly full hair.
Thanks for any help, I am a vain person and this thought as been driving be crazy for awhile.