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Thread: New cycle, please critique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    New cycle, please critique

    Ok my usual cycle is the cyp/deca, at 500/400. Want to try something new. I want to do for some size-
    Winstrol 50mg ed for 8 weeks
    Prop 500mg for 10 weeks
    PCT---Clomid and hcg
    What do you guys think? Should I do more than 50mg of the winstrol ed? More than 500mg of the prop, or should I use Enanthate? What are the real side effects of winstrol? Recovery time? I dont want to throw in d-bol or anadrol cause I have enough problems with bloating and holding water.
    25 yrs old
    about 14% bf

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I would run prop with it if you dont mind ED injections. Run the prop at 75m ED with the winny the last 8 weeks. However 8 weeks is kinda long for winny, its hard on your joints and liver.

    It will be a nice cutting cycle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Oh yeah, dont run HCG with PCT. And I dont think HCG is necessary for a 10 week cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Ok thats what I dont understand. How long to be on winny? 6 weeks? And 75mg of the test prop ed? How many vials of the stuff is needed for that, for a 10 week cycle? Or do I not do a 10 week cycle? How did you do yours Consistency?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by crazed98
    Ok thats what I dont understand. How long to be on winny? 6 weeks? And 75mg of the test prop ed? How many vials of the stuff is needed for that, for a 10 week cycle? Or do I not do a 10 week cycle? How did you do yours Consistency?
    I just came off a prop/wiiny

    wk 1-12 Prop 150mg EOD
    wk 7-12 winny 50mg ED
    pct 3 days after last prop

    If the prop is 10ml's at 100mg/ml and you want 10 weeks at 75mg ED then you need 5,250mg of test prop, so that will be 5 vials plus .25 a vial.. basically 6 vials, meaning you could run an extra week or so.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    wk 1-10 Test E 500mg a week
    wk 7-12 Winnny 50mg ED
    pct 2 weeks after last test shot

    Is it safe to run the winny 2 weeks longer than the test? I would start the pct at the end of the 12 weeks.. Should I still go with the clomid and the HCG for the pct?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    If size is what you are looking for then you will not get as much out of the test/winny cycle as you did in the test/deca cycle. Yes you would start PCT the next day after last winny administration. I wouldn't run HCG.

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