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Thread: Why I don't gain much?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Question Why I don't gain much?

    I started bulking cycle last 2 weeks. Tomorrow will be a week 3 for me.

    Week 1: Sustanon 250 (2 times a week) & Anadrol (Everyday)
    Week 2: Sustanon 250 (2 times a week), Anadrol (Everyday), Mesterolone (Everyday) and Nolvadex (the first 3 days only)
    Week 3-4: Sustanon 250 (2 times a week), Anadrol (Everyday), and Mesterolone (Everyday)
    Week 5-12: Sustanon 250 (2 times a week) and Mesterolone (Everyday)

    And with PCT.

    However, I didn't gain much. I heard that people could see the gains in week 2, but not for me. I started 153 pounds and I am 156 pounds only, standing on 1.83m. I gym 3-5 times a week (1 hour each session). I try to eat as much as possible, however, I find it hard to eat a lot when I am quite busy working at the office. But I eat at least 3 times daily. I also take AST VP2 Whey Protein, sometimes I take N-Large 2, everyday.

    Help! Any suggestions? Thank you in advance.
    Last edited by sams83; 04-05-2005 at 11:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    its only been 2 weeks, I would give it some more time. However with the anadrol i think you would have gained more then 3 lbs... are you sure its legit stuff?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004


    You are 23 years old...1.83 m is about 6ft and you're only 153 lbs? And taking drols for 12 weeks straight?

    I am sorry but you should not be taking juice when you are that skinny. I started my cycle 2 months after getting off and I regret doing it so soon because my gains are much less than my other cycle. that's why i clicked on this thread as i thought you had the same issues. I only put on 8 lbs after 8 weeks, albeit very little water/fat. But your case is pathetic. You can gain that much (3lbs) in two weeks just by eating a bit more carbs causing more water retention!!!!! Just get off the is not a quick and easy way to get big. You can just ignore my advise and continue to juice....and still be small. Do it naturally first, until you have 3 years solid training.

    Quote Originally Posted by sams83
    I started bulking cycle last 2 weeks. Tomorrow will be a week 3 for me.

    Week 1: Sustanon 250 (2 times a week) & Anadrol (Everyday)
    Week 2: Sustanon 250 (2 times a week), Anadrol (Everyday), Mesterolone (Everyday) and Nolvadex (the first 3 days only)
    Week 3-12: Sustanon 250 (2 times a week), Anadrol (Everyday), and Mesterolone (Everyday)

    And with PCT.

    However, I didn't gain much. I heard that people could see the gains in week 2, but not for me. I started 153 pounds and I am 156 pounds only, standing on 1.83m. I gym 3-5 times a week (1 hour each session). I try to eat as much as possible, however, I find it hard to eat a lot when I am quite busy working at the office. But I eat at least 3 times daily. I also take AST VP2 Whey Protein, sometimes I take N-Large 2, everyday.

    Help! Any suggestions? Thank you in advance.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Long Freaken Island
    Quote Originally Posted by Zennie
    You are 23 years old...1.83 m is about 6ft and you're only 153 lbs? And taking drols for 12 weeks straight?

    I am sorry but you should not be taking juice when you are that skinny. I started my cycle 2 months after getting off and I regret doing it so soon because my gains are much less than my other cycle. that's why i clicked on this thread as i thought you had the same issues. I only put on 8 lbs after 8 weeks, albeit very little water/fat. But your case is pathetic. You can gain that much (3lbs) in two weeks just by eating a bit more carbs causing more water retention!!!!! Just get off the is not a quick and easy way to get big. You can just ignore my advise and continue to juice....and still be small. Do it naturally first, until you have 3 years solid training.
    I disagree with those sorts of qualifiers for when someone should or shouldnt juice like saying "after 3 years" but you point is well taken.

    Getting your nutrition and workout plan solidified in the best practices of body building is a must before you juice.

    I would suggest one whey protein shake (not meal replacement-100% whey) upon waking up, a full breakefast, Lunch, one MEAL REPLACEMENT Mid Day/afternoon, post workout 100%whey shake (not meal replacement), and a full dinner.

    If your juice is real and the meals you have inbetween those 3 shakes are moderately clean and high in protein, you should definietly gain, also make sure you are drinking AT LEAST 64 ounces of water per day.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    North Pole
    Sounds to me like diet and training may both be a problem for you. 3-5 times a week? Are you on a steady split of some sort? Also I make sure to eat at very least 6 times a day. 3 times a day is horrible. The weight doesnt come out of thin air, you need food to gain period. If there is ever a day during my cycle that I only eat say 4 times in a day, I consider it a huge loss. Also you are 6ft. 150lb.?? Definitely can't expect to gain weight on steroids if you cant without. Not giving you a hard time, only sayin eat hard, train hard, rest, and you seill seee the gains you DESERVE...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Thanks, guys!

    I'm turning 22 soon. I trained for 6 months before I started roids. You know, I'm such a desperado. Heh. I guess the water retention is not much in my body because I look almost the same. Just my weight is increased by 3 lbs.

    I'm not into those bodybuilding competition. I just want to get bigger and look good. Heh.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by sams83
    Thanks, guys!

    I'm turning 22 soon. I trained for 6 months before I started roids. You know, I'm such a desperado. Heh. I guess the water retention is not much in my body because I look almost the same. Just my weight is increased by 3 lbs.

    I'm not into those bodybuilding competition. I just want to get bigger and look good. Heh.

    just 6 months bro??? too small and too new to have started using steroids, but it was your choice. you have to have bunk drol or you are barely eating a thing. how much anadrol were you taking???

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Edited my early post. I will take anadrol (Oxymetholone) for 4 weeks only. Take one everyday.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    great! ur weight clearly shows that u have no idea of dieting. and if ur diet sux, what it obviously does, steroids won t do ****!

  10. #10
    Steroid isn't a miracle drug. The three rules of this game is Eating/Sleep(recovery)/Training in that order. You must have these 3 on lock if not you're only wasting your time. I don't think that 3 meals a day will cut it. Good luck

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I know. My diet is really bad. But I've been busy working in the office. But anyway, when does this stuff start showing result? Maybe I'm just impatient.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    it s not gonna show results, if ur diet is terrible.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by sams83
    I know. My diet is really bad. But I've been busy working in the office. But anyway, when does this stuff start showing result? Maybe I'm just impatient.
    You must be really slow.......ITS NOT GOING TO GIVE YOU RESULTS IF YOU DONT EAT RIGHT .

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    bro were do you think your gains come from. if you do not eat you can not gain.

    fix your diet now so you dont wast your time and money.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Thanks, guys, for the comments. I'll try to eat as much as possible. But during my busy time, I can manage to eat 3 times + 1 or 2 protein shake. And sometimes I can eat 5 times + 1 or 2 protein shake.

    I will eat as much as possible. Lately, I ate quite a lot of junk food, esp. KFC, since I have no time to cook for myself.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    fix your diet now so you dont wast your time and money.
    and more important: our time

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    New York
    your diet doesnt sound good atall... how do youexpect to grow if your not eating enough?

    3 times a day is probobly half of what you should be eating you should be eating alot and clean on a bulking diet...

    ive said it b4 diet is key...

    do eat 3 times a day due to the lack of time? or due to the fact your not hungry?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    New York
    o i just saw u dont have the time...

    honestly you have to make the time to prepare meals and eat them even if your eating at your desk at your job just eat somthing. Not junk food!

    do searchs theres plenty of bulking diet tips posted here

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Does eating white eggs in the morning will help? I think I really I need bulking diet tips. Hurm.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    protein shake are not food and dont count as a meal.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    You only have 6 months in the gym?? Be patient little grasshopper as any gains you do get will be all lost within one month of discontinuance. Give your self a base foundation to work with.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    West Palm Beach
    It's 100% your diet. I can take a boat load of stuff and not grow if I'm not eating enough. Start off by adding more carbs. don't kill yourself trying to stuff your face because you'll burn out fast. Just add a meal each week until you start to grow.
    It's not easy, it's going to take time. try not to compare how your buddies grow to you either. that's enough to drive anyone mad. I have a buddy that can eat grape nuts all day and grow. Just pisses me off!!!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    wow, what a waste of gear.

    dude, people like us on here, the SERIOUS people who know whats going on with gear and do it right, work our lives around this stuff. Im only in college, but i would leave parties (and no, not drink at parties) to go eat. I would leave a party at like midnight, go home, cook chicken, baked potato or two, have some yougret, and go back to teh party. This is necessary. I would eat 6 large meals a day any given day, sometimes more. My breakfast alone was 6 scrambled eggs, a bowl of plain oatmeal, and 2 glasses of 2% milk, and that is around 1200 calories.

    You need to get your diet in check, and you certainly dont have the correct mindset to know what you got yourself into.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Well, before I took these roids, I did train and eat hard. Within 5 months, I gained about 17 lbs. It was naturally. But after that, I hardly could gain more. So I decided to take these stuff. But before I made this decision, I did research about steroids. I read almost every articles I found on Net. And now, the main problem is my diet. Because I hardly could find time to cook for myself. I would just try to eat as much as possible when I am free. But I don't cook myself. I buy food from outside and sometimes junk food, like Mc Donalds, KFC, Burger King. And to stay healthy, I would buy sandwich from Subway.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    ... u must be ****ting us...I can t believe it...

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    What I said is a truth. Believe it or not! I spent a lot on those supplements. And of course, I ate hard. On first few training sessions, I hired a personal trainer so I know how to train in a good way wihout any harms.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    Quote Originally Posted by sams83
    Well, before I took these roids, I did train and eat hard. Within 5 months, I gained about 17 lbs. It was naturally. But after that, I hardly could gain more. So I decided to take these stuff. But before I made this decision, I did research about steroids. I read almost every articles I found on Net. And now, the main problem is my diet. Because I hardly could find time to cook for myself. I would just try to eat as much as possible when I am free. But I don't cook myself. I buy food from outside and sometimes junk food, like Mc Donalds, KFC, Burger King. And to stay healthy, I would buy sandwich from Subway.
    You're asking why you aren't gaining when you've clearly said multiple times your diet sucks, which is understatement.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    You're asking why you aren't gaining when you've clearly said multiple times your diet sucks, which is understatement.
    Agreed... think of it this way... your body is a house, and you need materials to build it right? It doesn't matter how god d@mn fast your builders (steroids) work, if there's not adequate materials for the job than nothing is going to get done.

    Do you have any idea how many calories you eat per day or you need to eat per day?

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by sams83
    What I said is a truth. Believe it or not! I spent a lot on those supplements. And of course, I ate hard. On first few training sessions, I hired a personal trainer so I know how to train in a good way wihout any harms.
    well then stop spending money on supplements and buy some real food for it instead

  30. #30
    alevok Guest
    increase your calorie intake bro. But no matter what u eat u should have gained at least 8-10lb in two weeks with anadrol ( u did not mention the mg I assume u take 50mg e/d) Check your stuff, they might be fake
    I usually feel the strenght of anapolon at the third week......

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    i feel the effects of anadrols almost 3 days in, and if you anit
    gained at least 10lbs in 2 weeks off them badboys, you clearly
    are not experienced enuff to be fu*king with them by a long shot.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ***xxx***
    well then stop spending money on supplements and buy some real food for it instead
    I also want. But I'm stuck at it, couldn't gain more since I started working.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by alevok
    increase your calorie intake bro. But no matter what u eat u should have gained at least 8-10lb in two weeks with anadrol ( u did not mention the mg I assume u take 50mg e/d) Check your stuff, they might be fake
    I usually feel the strenght of anapolon at the third week......

    Yeah, I will start planning on my diet. I checked already. It is Oxymetholene. I bought it from my friend who is using this as well. And he's really big like those on competition ones. I did feel that my muscles are hard. So I guess it shouldn't be fake one. But how to know whether it is fake or not?

  34. #34
    alevok Guest
    post a pic at steroid pictures section, people will tell you.....

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by sams83
    I know. My diet is really bad. But I've been busy working in the office. But anyway, when does this stuff start showing result? Maybe I'm just impatient.
    Then stop all gear and take up X-Box.

    Really, get your priorities straight, and don't f*ck around if you can't apply yourself 100%.

    Things like this give steroids a BAD NAME!!! People don't know how to eat right, train right, sleep right, PCT, they take insane dosages, are irresponsible, etc.

    This gets old!


  36. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by sams83
    And to stay healthy, I would buy sandwich from Subway.
    OXYMORON statement at it's finest!

    F*ck Jared.


  37. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Jarred needs a good roid to harden him up.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Bro get it through your head, eat hard or get off the roids

    Learn to cook some ****ed chicken and rice and take it everywhere with you!

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    cooking is simlpe mate,
    comman sense really,

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by sams83
    Well, before I took these roids, I did train and eat hard. Within 5 months, I gained about 17 lbs. It was naturally. But after that, I hardly could gain more. So I decided to take these stuff. But before I made this decision, I did research about steroids. I read almost every articles I found on Net. And now, the main problem is my diet. Because I hardly could find time to cook for myself. I would just try to eat as much as possible when I am free. But I don't cook myself. I buy food from outside and sometimes junk food, like Mc Donalds, KFC, Burger King. And to stay healthy, I would buy sandwich from Subway.

    are you serouse? lol
    no mcd's or that shyt and how do you stay healthy by eating subway??
    read the diet forums write out a good diet program and follow it diet is atleast 80% of training... you also have to know what food to eat and when to eat them calories, protien, carbs & fats...
    eating subway isnt going to balance you out... the 10$ you spent on that sub could of been some money towards food for the week bro...

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