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I started bulking cycle last 2 weeks. Tomorrow will be a week 3 for me.
Week 1: Sustanon 250 (2 times a week) & Anadrol (Everyday)
Week 2: Sustanon 250 (2 times a week), Anadrol (Everyday), Mesterolone (Everyday) and Nolvadex (the first 3 days only)
Week 3-12: Sustanon 250 (2 times a week), Anadrol (Everyday), and Mesterolone (Everyday)
And with PCT.
However, I didn't gain much. I heard that people could see the gains in week 2, but not for me. I started 153 pounds and I am 156 pounds only, standing on 1.83m. I gym 3-5 times a week (1 hour each session). I try to eat as much as possible, however, I find it hard to eat a lot when I am quite busy working at the office. But I eat at least 3 times daily. I also take AST VP2 Whey Protein, sometimes I take N-Large 2, everyday.
Help! Any suggestions? Thank you in advance.