Let me preface this by saying I'm on my second cycle taking 300mg Deca and 500 mg Test E split up into bi-weekly shots to total 800mg. I take 10mg ED of Nolva.
I'll try to make this as short as possible. I got done training jiu jitsu today around 8pm. I have been developing a bad "colly flower" right ear. I stopped by my doctor's office (I have a clinic that I go to that stays open till 10p) to get my ear drained and my heart started feeling very strange. Like an axious or adrenaline feeling. I got my ear drained and mentioned to the doc my chest. He started monitoring my heart beat and said I had a very irregular heart beat.
He put me on an EKG and the results were scary. Very irregular heartbeat. He sent me to the ER because my chest was feeling real weird. When I got there I still felt weird. The initial nurse felt my irregular pulse. The doc ran another EKG and it came back perfectly normal, and I didn't feel weird anymore.
My friend/source told me before I went to the ER that with that diagnosis I should be completely honest about everything I am taking. I am very, very worried about this leaking out, because I will lose my job no doubt. I know about doctor/patient confidentiality, but I wasn't sure if that covers all of the nurses, PA and other staff.
Anyway, I did not tell them anything about my gear. The doc discharged me after monitoring my heart on a monitor for a couple of hours. She said that it's normal for healthy people to sometimes get pac's or temporary heart flutters or irregular heartbeats due to a number of things, mainly stress. I am stressed by the way about some other things going on in my life. But, she said I should follow up with a cardiologist but I can continue to work out as long as I don't feel those symptoms again.
My question is this. I am on my 5th week and really starting to see good gains. Should I stay on the gear and monitor this, or quit now?
Thanks in advance brothers.