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Thread: Newbie Stack help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal

    Question Newbie Cycle help....Please

    After working hard for many years and listening to all those people who say you can do the same naturally, Im finally ready to gear up. Ive studied info from various places (this board/site being one of the best). I really feel ready now. So heres what I've decided for my first cycle. I havn't bought anything yet but living in So. California............. enouph said.

    Sust week 1-8 250mg
    Deca week 1-8 400mg
    Clomid weeks 7-8 100mg then 50mg
    Clen and eca stack weeks 1-8 alternating every 2 weeks and tapering doses of the clen
    Nolva and Proviron ????

    Im 225 5'10 and 29 Y.O.. I want gain's without a lot of water retention and some cutting too. My next cycle I might go for some balls out pure mass.

    Anyway how much and when do I take the Nolva and Proviron? Im really paranoid of gynecomastia. I carry alot of fat in my chest already I don't need more. Do I need them both? Do I need Winny too for the Deca?

    Also can anyone recommend a good ECA Stack. And will the ECA/Clen Hinder my Growth at all? Should I wait till after?

    Last but not least any thoughts or recommendations on my cycle? I know I have a lot of questions. Im just trying to clear up my final few. I was kinda of thinkin of adding some d-bol but Im afraid of too much water.

    Thanks a lot for the help Bro's!!!
    Last edited by RON; 08-18-2001 at 02:08 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Bro your cycle looks pretty good. You should be able to gain some decent size while keeping the fat down. The nolva will need help if you get gyno from the deca, so if you are already prone have winny on hand. Gyno should not be a big concern though as your doses are fairly low. As for the clomid you have to start that on week 10-11. Everyone has different ways they like to run their clomid. Some like to run 300mg's first day, 100mg's next 10 days and 50mg's next 10 day. The eaca clen may hinder some of your growth but you did mention you wanted to cutt up and were going to bulk next cycle anyways. Just make sure you keep your diet in check, get your rest and train hard and you should be good to go. I also wanted to know why you want to use proviron? Goodluck


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    IMO, Drop the ECA as it will suppress your appetite and to get good gains you will need to be eating 4500Kcal plus.

    500mg Sus
    400mg Deca

    Start Clomid 10-14 Days after your last shot, run with 50mg for the first week, 100mg 2nd week and back to 50mg for the third week.

    You could run Clen as well with the clomid to help keep your gains and improve overall condition. Or go with a two week on two week off alternating with ECA post cycle.

    You can run Nolva and/or Proviron for the entire stack, however, really IMO wait untill you have signs of gyno (you may not) and run with 20mg per day untill symptons subside and then run 10mg for the rest of the cycle.

    D-Bol for the first week is good to kick-start gains as waiting for the Sus/Deca can be a little frustrating, also if you diet is clen (low salt) you may find the water retention is not as bad as theory tells you. I have had very little W/R with D-Bol.


  4. #4
    The original jason Guest
    ok bro heres what i would do up the sust to 500 mg 250mg per week is not enough, as someone suggested earlier about nolva and gyno from deca it isnt right nolva wont help for gyno from deca but you might need it for the gyno from the sust keep it on hand and if you get any signs of gyno take it 20 mg ed till the signs subside then continue on 10mg. The deca should give u any signs of gyno but if it did winnie would deal with that to be honest I doubt very much you will need it. As for your ideas about cutting and bulking I always say thiis but you cant do the both together it just doesnt work you need excess calories for the body to build and you cant cut like that, my idea is that you save the eca,clen,winnie for another cycle maybe like BA says you could run the clen post cycle to help avoid catabolism for just two weeks along side the clomid that would be good just my ideas hope that helps


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    bump the test to 500mg for 10 weeks
    deca at 400 mg for 10 weeks

    clomid start one week after you last shot @50 mg ed then 2rd week 100mg eod...3rd week 50 mg ed

    now for the clen and eca...wait till after you clomid is done and take the clen and eca.... why? because you dont want to cut and bulk at the sametime..and like the bro stated above the eca will not make you hungry...and you NEED to eat on a bulking cycle to grow plain and simple...

    take the clen 21 days on 21 days off (if you really want to shed the fat toss in some t-3

    tabs per day of clen...333444555666555444333
    then take off 21 days while taking the eca..
    then go back onc len for 21 more days the same way as the first cycle...

    if you want to add t-3 in there take it same time as the clen 21 days on 21 days off 21 back on
    tabs per day of t-3....111222333444333222111

    good luck hope this helped

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Bro's thanks for all the advice. I should know not to try cutting and bulking at the same time. It takes a different diet and workout. I guess I was just caught up in the excitement of my first cycle (wanting it all now). Anyway, Im gonna save the ECA and clen for another stack after. Maybe through in some winny. That way I can buy the winny now in case of gyro.
    Since I gave up on cutting I think I will ad some D-bol.

    D-Bol weeks 1-3 week 1 15mg/ed week 2 20mg and week 3 25mg along with milk thistel 500 mg ed and cranberry juice
    Sus week 1-8 500mg
    Deca weeks 1-8 400mg
    clomid weeks 10-12 50mg, 100mg, 50mg

    then Ill start a winny, ECA, Clen stack

    I might take Cytomel instead of Clen. I need to research L-T3 a little more before I make that decision.

    thanks for all the help...overnight even......WOW what a board

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    just alittle advise on dbol...when taking it with test there is no need to taper up and down...i woudl ran it for atleast 5 weeks.. i run dbol for 6 weeks always....

    start at like 35 mg a day for 4 weeks then taper down to 30 mg a day for weeks 5 and 6..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Yep Like Shot says Don't taper the D-Bol and run for at least 4 weeks.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Rancho Cucomonga
    In the last couple days I read that it was the "thing" to bump old threads....I just wanted to fit in!!!

    Anyway......welcome to the board Ron....and good luck w/ your cycle!!!!!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Northern Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Kato
    In the last couple days I read that it was the "thing" to bump old threads....I just wanted to fit in!!!

    Anyway......welcome to the board Ron....and good luck w/ your cycle!!!!!


    What?? Why would you just randomly bump an old thread? Welcome to the board? Did you notice that hes been a member for like two years and he's a mod?

    p.s.- I did get a kick out of seeing a moderator sound like a newbie, it just goes to show that everyone is a little uneducated when they first start.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Rancho Cucomonga
    NJ, Man I thought I was funnier than Chris Rock in doing harm done......just having fun!!


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Northern Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Kato
    NJ, Man I thought I was funnier than Chris Rock in doing this
    lol, that was funny, . Anyways we're kinda getting off the topic of this thread. Think ron will get mad if we hijack his 2-year old thread,

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Ahhhhh can anyone tell me if you can drink winny? I'm sure you could find a lot of dumb posts by be 2-3 years ago.
    BTW quit Hijacking my damn thread NJ

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