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  1. #1
    transform is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2005

    How does this cycle sound

    Primo 200mg a weeks1-8
    Anavar 40mg a day weeks1-5
    Test E 500mg a week weeks1-8

    And proscar at 1.5 mg a day.Only started researchin this cycle a while ago so im not entirely sure about the doses or pct or what to take for sides.

    Also i want to terminate the current cycle im on.Im 5 days in and iv taken 20mg of dbol each day and had 2 x 250mg shots of test E and iv taken 10mg tamoxifen each day. Ill still wait the 2 weeks after my last test injection, but should i keep taken tamoxifen in the mean time? This is the pct i was plannin

    Day 1 Clomid300mg & Tamox 20mg
    Day2-11 Clomid 100mg & Tamox 20mg
    Day12-21 Clomid 50mg a day & Tamox 20mg

    This seems like alot though so could anyone give me their opinion.Thanks

  2. #2
    Thegr8One's Avatar
    Thegr8One is offline Senior Member
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    1-10 test e 500mg pw
    6-10 anavar 50mg ed
    is this your first cycle?
    if so sava the anavar for next cycle

  3. #3
    transform is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2005
    Well, the test dbol im on now is ,y first, but i want to cancel it and take a few months off then do this cycle.I know primo and anavar are "weaker" steroids in terms of mass gains compared to dbol or anadrol or most others but im worried about the hairloss, so i figure by takin proscar that will control the test E and the primo & anavar are supposidly nearly harmless. I figure that they should produce a very good amount of lbm when staked with test, and will seem weaker because they shouldnt cause edema. Am i right in my staements on the hair and why only run primo with thwe test?

  4. #4
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    why do u want to end your current cycle if u r only 5 days in?

  5. #5
    transform is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by booz
    why do u want to end your current cycle if u r only 5 days in?
    The hair is to much worry. TBH, I wasnt aware there were things like proscar & nizoral and steroids that are easier on the hair like deca ,primo,var. So ill keep the test E amps i have and study up on primo and var and get proscar and nizoral. Im very tempted to stick with the dbol /test because im sure it would pack onsubstantial lbm, but i think id lose a good bit of hair in the process

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