do i need anti estrogen treatment during a 400mg test and winny 50-100mg ed cycle or just right after?
do i need anti estrogen treatment during a 400mg test and winny 50-100mg ed cycle or just right after?
Its up to you, some guys run 10mg ed throught cycle, others keep it on hand in case gyno symptoms occur
400mg is a pretty low dose, so if I were you I'd keep it on hand incase gyno symptoms occur, but it's really up to you....
if it's your first cycle... i'd say yes you need 'em
Not knowing how your body'll'd be wise to start this cycle with an anti-e.
As you get more experienced...with subsequent cycling..then you can experiement
i agree,use anti e since its your first cycle, 10mg will do fine,and if any gyno symptoms start showing up,bump itOriginally Posted by Narkissos
thanks for all the advice...
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