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Thread: Debating whether to use Sustanon or Cyp/Prop blend

  1. #1

    Debating whether to use Sustanon or Cyp/Prop blend

    I'm debating on which I should run as my base at 750mg-1000mg. So I'll let you guys decide.

    Gonna run it w/ EQ 400-600mg and Winny 50mg ED for about 14 weeks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    i'm not a fan of the mixed tests... why not just go with cyp? or prop?

    wut are ur goals for this cycle?

  3. #3
    Hmmm. I did Cyp my last run so I wanted to maybe switch it up. I ran Sust last time and I got sick huge so I guess after seeing those pics I got motivated to get back into that shape. I must admit, I was holding water. I wouldn't mind doing Prop but I don't think I want to deal with the ED shots of that. I'm allready gonna have to deal with enough with the winny. I'm basically gonna do a clean bulker.

  4. #4
    OH cmon! I'm really undecided.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
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    I like straight esthers myself like enth. and cyp. but summer is coming and if you don't want to be a fat, bloated slob go with the prop. I'm running a gram of enth. right now but I'm going to finish up with prop. and hope the water comes off by july.

  6. #6
    Hmmmm. I doubt I'll get fat. Got plenty of GH on hand

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Long Freaken Island
    Do both! Check out what im running,

    500mg sus per week 14 weeks
    250mg cyp per week 14 weeks

    I may throw something else in there at week 5 just to change it up a bit but for now I think that interesting mix of test esters will be excellent, I just started last week, so in a few weeks i let you know how it works out.

  8. #8
    ****, the C/P blend is so painful lol. I'd be doing that EOD.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    If you don't want as many shots, why don't you run a single ester like cyp. or enanthate and jumpstart with prop. or dbol or drol.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Massacre
    Hmmmm. I doubt I'll get fat. Got plenty of GH on hand
    The GH won't keep the water bloat off. I'm running nolva and liquidex along with some t3.

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