Sorry, I know this has been asked before, but I want some answers to some questions.
Ive heard (And found) that Dianabol is crap for keeping gains and mainly just puts water weight on you. I hear VAR is great - if not the best for lean gains,vascularity,strength and the likes also. I also here that Turanabol is a good sub to Var other than its cheaper, and increases libido instead of decreasing - which are both good benefits to Tur.
So, id Dbol is crap, Turanabol is nearly as good as Var (One of the best), then how can Tur be a weaker version of DBol ?????
The reason I ask is, I dont like Dbol, but am thinking about choosing Tur over the Var due to price. But, if its just weaker DBol, then obviously I dont want it.
Can someone please clear this up cos to me, its all contradicting.
If money is a big problem, then which would be best to use ?? For lean gains, fat burning, vascularity, anti-catabolism etc etc