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Thread: Zlliks QnA #3 The Steroid Years.

  1. #1

    Zlliks QnA #3 The Steroid Years.

    For everyone here at the forum, i have some good reading for you. You see a new member of the forum named 'zlliks' is a good ol friend from the forums named 'skillz'. Notice how crafty he switched his name? skillz and zlliks. That takes brains! Well i'm here to give you some good reading and here you go!

    I will share skillz DNP thoughts...

    OHHHHH, did everyone know how skillz got his rep points? <-------- From here and down is where it really gets good

    I think this really shows skillz and his yearning of knowledge. After over a year of M1T threads i'm glad skillz wants to learn, i really am!


    Skillz is a very sensual guy too. Hmmm i wonder what god thinks about this post?


    I dont like identical threads, do you skillz?


    You know what i realized while making this thread? I'm SO going to hell. :\


    I hope its cozy in hell for me... I'm praying for you Skillz!


    And last but not least a blast from the past i like to share periodically

    So I hope you enjoyed my thread.

    P.S. Zlliks started prohormones at age 17 and screwed himself up and will not take good advice unless it came in a supplement/steroid. Hope you guys see through the **** he posts daily. Oh and one last thing, every post he has made in the last week here he's made ten fold already on forums but he just doesnt get it and asks the same questions again and again. Have fun with the kid.

  2. #2
    granted, you guys most likely havent noticed him yet, but do a search on the member 'zlliks' and you will see.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    zlliks has just been owned... funny!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    496 what do u have against the guy? it's his body. Why did u even make this thread?

    But i must admit, this made me laugh
    Last edited by MaNofSteeL; 04-12-2005 at 10:18 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol what? I'm confused? Is that a hoax or something? I mean there's not way one guy could possibly be so bi-polar.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    lol bro skillz rulez!

  7. #7
    mestupt go back to

  8. #8
    Mods this has nothing to do with steroid questions please Delete this thread. Thankyou

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    Quote Originally Posted by zlliks
    Mods this has nothing to do with steroid questions please Delete this thread. Thankyou
    Bump for skillz...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    zlliks is 17 years old....THATS what it has to do with steroids....DO NOT GIVE THIS KID A HOOKUP! HE WILL HURT HIMSELF! I mod over on and we just banned him and MANY of his user names

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by TommyTrainR
    lol what? I'm confused? Is that a hoax or something? I mean there's not way one guy could possibly be so bi-polar.
    it's sadly true, there's a whole thread on it over on's been given several chances....

    I recently talked to him thru PM and he admitted he's never used DNP

    Quote Originally Posted by Skillz
    Quote Originally Posted by McBain

    When we you were let back to part of it was that you'd stay away from we have a clear link to a multiple threads started by the name zlliks on anabolicreview
    This one specifically on DNP...even claiming you've already taken it.

    Now you were going to be on perm ban, but you emailed Ryan and said you'd behave, stay away from PH's/PS's, steroids and DNP...I'm giving you a chance to explain yourself before I perm ban you...don't lie either because I can easily run an IP match with the AR mods...I used to be friendly with a couple of them and we've helped each other out in similar type situations before..

    Fair enough. I have not been using dnp, It is very hard to get dnp as you know. I have not been talking about it on as we discussed. I am the otehr user on the other forum and I was just getting some iinfo. I kept are agreement, I did not talk about dnp on, what I do else where should not effect me on Even if I wanted to get dnp, its almost impossible. Crazed is me and I actaulywish you would let that sn stand because I want to start fresh and I was thinking it would calm the board down. The mods have been going out of their way to stop bs and flaming that creating a new sn seems the best thing to do. I dont want anyone to know its me. You mods can watch me but its bests for all of us if nobody knows who I am and the name skillz dies. Please let me use a new (crazed) If you mods know its me than if I do something stupid you will no, just dont tell everyone else. Please let me know what you think.

  12. #12
    Yo mcbain, we will see how long that lasts...I have enough dnp to last a lifetime thinking about starting to sell. I have to much. Lata bro

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Gettin lean wit it...
    Quote Originally Posted by zlliks
    Yo mcbain, we will see how long that lasts...I have enough dnp to last a lifetime thinking about starting to sell. I have to much. Lata bro
    dude! LLEEEMMMMMMMMMEEE GET THAT PHAT HOOOOOKUP DAAAAWWWGGGG!!! you must know your stuff. bahahaha.

  14. #14
    Will do.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by zlliks
    mestupt go back to
    skillz, go back to elementary. Learn the basics.

    '-skillz- i'm kewl now, i big drug deala wit da fat hookups!'

    seriously man...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    lMFAO this is weird but funny hahahahaha

  17. #17
    Mestupt, Go back to

    I have a good legit bizz going on here. DNP is hard to come by, and I have alot of suppliers and sources.
    Last edited by zlliks; 04-12-2005 at 08:48 PM.

  18. #18
    now go report back to like a bitch...moron

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by zlliks
    Mestupt, Go back to

    I have a good legit bizz going on here. DNP is hard to come by, and I have alot of suppliers and sources.

    I beez pimpin all dem hos wit ma man boobies!
    Yu needz DNP i gotsta gangsta shizzit! show me da money home boyyyyy!"

    It's gotta suck when someone does a search on you eh skillz?
    They find out how unintelligent you really are.

    oh and i'll make it nice and easy for everyone to see skillz on too!
    Last edited by mestupt; 04-12-2005 at 09:20 PM.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by zlliks
    now go report back to like a bitch...moron
    Yeah the only reason your not there is you got your ass stapled to the wall and now you AND all your sub accounts are permabanned too.
    Poor little skillz.. maybe some day your balls will drop.

  21. #21


    I cant believe it. Going to a new board still makes you an idiot. You told God McBain ( ) that DNP was too hard to get, and here you are bragging about your sources. You are trying to peddle your M1T at $2/5 grams. You told us you only got 2 bottles. Then you said you were flushing it down the toilet. Lies, lies, lies. I get banned at for flaming you and you got banned anyways, and Im still banned because of you? Makes sense. Why dont you tell everyone here about the time you asked about injecting caffeine in your nip for gyno from M1T. Which of course you deny now. Or how about the antibiotic transdermal carrier you called for testers on, even after the literature was posted that it could cause potential death? This board doesnt know you like we do, but someone has to be a ditch digger. They should ban you here too.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Gh0sting
    I cant believe it. Going to a new board still makes you an idiot. You told God McBain ( ) that DNP was too hard to get, and here you are bragging about your sources. You are trying to peddle your M1T at $2/5 grams. You told us you only got 2 bottles. Then you said you were flushing it down the toilet. Lies, lies, lies. I get banned at for flaming you and you got banned anyways, and Im still banned because of you? Makes sense. Why dont you tell everyone here about the time you asked about injecting caffeine in your nip for gyno from M1T. Which of course you deny now. Or how about the antibiotic transdermal carrier you called for testers on, even after the literature was posted that it could cause potential death? This board doesnt know you like we do, but someone has to be a ditch digger. They should ban you here too.
    hiya Ghosting! We're all routing for your unbanning on

    and mods beware! Skillz/Zlliks WILL make more than one accounts and rep himself/talk to himself. He's done it many times on

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by zlliks
    I have a good legit bizz going on here. DNP is hard to come by, and I have alot of suppliers and sources.

    You are such an idiot. When you get arrested, and you will, you'll take down everyone around you.

    (Don't give me this 'dnp isn't illegal' crap. You repeatedly admit you are using/intending to use/selling it for human consumption, which IS illegal. Between the IM's where you tell random people you don't know they should take it to lose weight and the board posts, there's plenty of evidence to convict you. Have a nice day, moron.)

    Oh, and they'll love you in jail, what with your breasts and all.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a state of denial
    I have a feeling that he may leave of his own accord after having been here for a few days.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    ^^^ for people to see...dont give this kid anymore hookups or if you know the hookup he has tell them not to sell to him, he is 17....if he was straight up with the sources and the sources wanted to take that risk then that's their choice...I don't agree with it, but it's their choice...I would just feel bad if a source went down because zlliks kills himself with DNP and they didnt even realize they were selling to a 17 year old kid

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    McB thanks for the fine detective work.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    no problem...i dont have a vendetta against this kid, I could care less I got a life outside the boards ...I'd rather not see him die...he's young and stupid, we've all been there

    Also I just dont want to see any sources go down because he kills himself

    Another thing...not trying to tell you how to mod, but just giving feedback from our experience with him, he will come back under different names...I suspect the member asking whether DNP will cause infertility may be him (especially given the APril 2005 join date). He has already come back under a different screen name today at've requested an IP ban from the admin, hopefully it'll go thru soon
    Last edited by McBain; 04-13-2005 at 09:30 AM.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The IP ban is in the works. Thanks once again.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by zlliks
    now go report back to like a bitch...moron

    It was God bless you at one point, now its bitch & moron.

    But Skillz is banned here too now.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Zlliks and R.I.P... Their IP and email accounts have been banned too. Props to McBain for the heads up.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by BOUNCER
    Zlliks and R.I.P... Their IP and email accounts have been banned too. Props to McBain for the heads up.
    hey! i think i might have given the heads up just as much as McBain! Of course i'm no big mod that has pull but I was spreading the word in a slightly funny way but i was doing it for the good of everyone, not just for myself.
    I was the thread creator
    But McBain is god too! Remember that!

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    mestupt, I dont know who you are, but I am glad you joined. Good job on getting that joke banned.

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by LACBodybuilder
    mestupt, I dont know who you are, but I am glad you joined. Good job on getting that joke banned.
    LOL, thank you.
    I've been at it for a year now.
    FINALLY something has been done about it.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    BOUNCER clear out your PM's, it won't let me respond to your PM

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