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Thread: cycle update,

  1. #1
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
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    Talking cycle update,

    started my 5 weeks 35mg dbol , 10 weeks 500mg sust, and 300deca 5 weeks ago, my stats are great. bench went up 50 lbs, squats went up 90 lbs, deadlifts up 90 lbs, and all other body parts are real solid/much stronger. i also went from 212.5 to 233.5. only problems are sometime my urine will be really really dark and that I am really bitchy 23 hours a day. i discontinue the dbol in 1 week, so things will probaly slow down a bit. just thought i'd keep everyone informed. also my next questions are:

    1.) When should i begin taking arimidex , clomid, and hcg ?
    2.) When after taking those should i begin my cutting cycle? (tren and winny)

    Thanks guys


  2. #2
    Dizzy's Avatar
    Dizzy is offline Banned
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    Mar 2002
    dark urine is not good. drink extra water...alot. and be sure to take ala or milk thistle.

  3. #3
    Ajax's Avatar
    Ajax is offline Senior Member
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    Feb 2002
    Arimidex should be taken form the begining of the cycle to prevent estrogen from being created--otherwise use Nolvadex to block the estrogen once it's formed. Arimidex is preventive, Nolvadex blocks estrogen once it's formed.

    Use HCG mid-cycle to keep testicle size--if you need to do that.

    Clomid: start 3 weeks after your last injection. (This is based on the fact that you are using Sustanon and Deca --other drugs stay longer/shorter in the body so don't use 3 weeks as a generic rule of thumb.)

    2) Unless you are scheduled for a competition, give your system a rest for a while. Take a couple months or better off to get your natural testosterone production back up.

    AND FOLLOW DIZZY'S ADVICE! Dark urine is not good. Drink lots of water. Every morning I fill up 5 one-liter bottles of water and make sure I drink them all before bedtime.

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