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Thread: naturaly increase thyroid?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    naturaly increase thyroid?

    my avg. BBT in the morning is 97.3. you would agree this is low correct? i was wondering if i could take vitamins such as t100, guggle, forskolli... etc.. to naturally bring it up to where it needs to be. and if yes. when i get off the vitamins will be thyroid continue at the higher rate??

    please respond, wondering if i should hit a t3 clen cycle or just try to naturally and permanetly increase my BBT???

  2. #2
    I don't think you can permanently adjust you're thyroid functioning without staying on the drugs or supps. You can supplement with things such as bladderwrack or t100x, but unless you're really struggling with your weight I don't think it would be worthwhile. If you need to really need to lose some fat I would just hit a clen/T3/AAS cutter and use the proper thyroid pct. The thyroid pct will get your thyroid back to where you would naturally be so you won't gain too much fat once you stop the T3, but I don't think it will increase your thyroid functioning above your natural level.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Canada Ehh...
    Quote Originally Posted by joevette
    I don't think you can permanently adjust you're thyroid functioning without staying on the drugs or supps. You can supplement with things such as bladderwrack or t100x, but unless you're really struggling with your weight I don't think it would be worthwhile. If you need to really need to lose some fat I would just hit a clen/T3/AAS cutter and use the proper thyroid pct. The thyroid pct will get your thyroid back to where you would naturally be so you won't gain too much fat once you stop the T3, but I don't think it will increase your thyroid functioning above your natural level.
    I agree. listen to this man, he knows his ****e

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I remember seeing a big article on 20/20 about Kelp. They had a rep from Abbott Laboratories, which makes Synthroid. They asked him if it was true what they had seen in the studies that 660mg of Kelp(400mcg iodine, 390mcg Iron, 20mg Sodium)is the same as 0.400mg of Synthroid. He said YES. They were exposing what drug companies didn't want the public to know. This was a few years ago....I take Kelp everyday and all I can tell you is that when I skip a dose, I feel a lot more feels like my metabolism is slowing. Does it work?? Who knows, I believe it is, and it doesn't hurt to try.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by harorider
    I remember seeing a big article on 20/20 about Kelp. They had a rep from Abbott Laboratories, which makes Synthroid. They asked him if it was true what they had seen in the studies that 660mg of Kelp(400mcg iodine, 390mcg Iron, 20mg Sodium)is the same as 0.400mg of Synthroid. He said YES. They were exposing what drug companies didn't want the public to know. This was a few years ago....I take Kelp everyday and all I can tell you is that when I skip a dose, I feel a lot more feels like my metabolism is slowing. Does it work?? Who knows, I believe it is, and it doesn't hurt to try.
    Interesting. I'd like to see the study.

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