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  1. #1
    Delts is offline Junior Member
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    Question Expiration... does anyone know for sure?

    Here's a question for you guys. All juice has an expiration date on it, but does this mean its totally no good once the expiration date has passed? I mean how can it go bad if it isn't even opened, and how do you know for sure it isn't any good anymore, have any of you actually tried expired stuff and saw it didn't work? Also does the same hold true for stuff besides roids, for example, hgh, slin, hcg , clomid? Have any of you had experiences with this stuff thats been expired? I can see how things can go bad once they're opened, but not if they're not opened. I hope this doesn't seem like a dumb question, I was just curious. Let me know what you guys know or think. thanks

  2. #2
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    As far as oil based AS goes, I've heard people using it 2 years past the exp. date, and had great results. Ok, maybe it loses a little potency, but nothing to cry over. As far as slin, and HGH, that shit I BELIEVE should be thrown in the dispenser when the date expires because that's some hardcore stuff. Clomid i think is like any pill, just don't use it a decade after you buy it and you shold be safe!! . Anyone want to add on? Cmon Cycleon, I know you wanna steal my fame...LOL .


  3. #3
    Delts is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks papa, can anyone else add to this?

  4. #4
    arthurb999's Avatar
    arthurb999 is offline Anabolic Member
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    The question is, what does AS break down into? Is it toxic? I don't know, so I wouldn't to take a chance. You don't want to inject a toxic substance.

    If it is expired by like a day then you "should" be alright but I wouldn't chance it if it has been expired for a while (over 6 months).

    They must put exp. dates on them for a reason.

  5. #5
    Skrilla is offline New Member
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    AAS do not break down into anything toxic. Like someone said before you can take them for quite a long time after the date. A good friend of mine is a biochemist and he said that for the most part you only lose about 3% per year. You should make sure that they are not exposed to light though because that will also cause them to lose potency

  6. #6
    juiceon's Avatar
    juiceon is offline Associate Member
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    Ive taken juice two yeasrs past the expiration and it was fine

  7. #7
    RANDYISJACKED is offline New Member
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    bro's i would like to share some personal knowledge about expiration dates grandpa was involved in a dogging sport wich is very underground not many know of it...ok here it goes this sport stared in the late 50's and goes on till this day they started using things like op's,stimuline,inphenosol,benzedrine,biphetamine,d examol's and even strychnine etc. etc. all of the mentioned is uppers per say all but 3 are no longer available these guys stocked up on these items and to this day they still use them these dog literally run ruts in the ground when tied out at these meets some of the items are over 30 years old they have been passed down and traded amongst them selfs my grandpa sold his stash in 1987 and got 125,000,00 for his stash and prolly had no more than 3 grand in it i ask do we really think chemicals when stored properly lose there potency ?


  8. #8
    RANDYISJACKED is offline New Member
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    ive taken some of these items my self also i took one with a 1971 expiration date in 1994 ...guess what i was jacked till 4:00 in the morning


  9. #9
    Delts is offline Junior Member
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    Damn bro, thats a pretty cool story, good info to know. I guess that proves that chemicals don't go bad or at least not really quick. I guess the only item I still don't know about is hcg because thats not a chemical is it? I think it comes from the urine of a pregnant woman. Is this true or is it just like all other chemicals meaning it'd keep for a while. As a matter of fact, I have a pack of hcg with an expiration date of 1999, and I'm hesitant on using it, but if it is the same as AS, then I mine as well use it. what do you guys think?

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