I have used test and deca before and will try tren next time. How would you bros rate some injectables in order of their muscle building effects.
test, tren, deca, eq, etc....
I have used test and deca before and will try tren next time. How would you bros rate some injectables in order of their muscle building effects.
test, tren, deca, eq, etc....
tren seems to be the favorite hands down. test is also great
i love deca and test...never used any of the aother for comparison...ive heard tren and test is very strong
first timers test/deca/eq and I dont care what anyone says about test only
experienced test/tren
if u wanna get big and ripped test/tren and pct with a good diet is the best ive used....im also on gh but test/tren has somewhat of a simmular fat burning effect of gh
deca and eq should not be used together, they bind to the same receptor and are very simmular thats like using 2 different brands of test as a stack, deca and tren should not be used together because of the progesterone
test/eq/tren nothing else matters
test/tren w a dbol kickstart!!!!!!
hi im a newbie so please help me, can i mix masteron with enerthane? is it a good combination? and i have been using enerthane(500/week and d-bol the last time and now ive started my second time with the same thing but this time on 750/week "enerthane that is" and the result isnt the same it pritty mutch sucks, please tell me how i can improve the result. peace out bros!!
Calling Bull Sh!t on your statement bro... First same receptor??? You mean the same receptor all steroids bind too? Please explain. Also, they are completely two different compounds one is test derived the other is a 19-nor product. The only thing similar is the anabolic to androgenic ratios... i.e. give you similar style gains. But they do work well together, I know from experience. Have you used them or know someone who has and said this just should not be done? If you say yes you had better produce them as anyone who states they do not work well together have never done it.Originally Posted by HumanPerfection1
HP1 I also sent you a pm, so you would come back and educate this board and its members.
bump for anyone that has a definative answer why deca and eq should not be used together.
Same receptor? What are you saying, uneducated comment
What do you mean by using 2 different brands of test, i assume you mean the esther as in cyp and prop.Originally Posted by HumanPerfection1
Again you must think that the different esther hits a different receptor which is rubbish all it does is control how quickly it enters your blood stream.
I am sure he was trying to make a point that eq though it is boldenone was exactly the same as deca or nandrolone... But it is hard to understand as test is just that but with different release times. Very uneducated statement by HP1 and probably just heard they give similar results so they must be one and the same... basically he parroted the advice without even a squak to follow it up
Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
Im goin by the receptor theory...Bro I competed 4 times, i been on gh for over a year...i do some crazy cycles, I've trained with several pro's sean Allen, Victor Martinez, Victors trainer....Im assuming your speaking about deca/eq stack....thats a ass backwards stack which no pro or even amatuer use, honestly one idiot at my gym did that for his first cycle and really wasent happy. Show me one pro that stacks deca and eq??? and im not talking about using test/gh/anavar/tren/eq/deca....im saying just deca/eq or deca eq test...... This is like the first stack someone thinks of when they look at web sites for info, they have long acting eq now and short acting deca, its pretty much the same drug, deca gives alil more water, eq is good for more red blood cells, like i said rececptor cell is a theory, its not proven, but using this theory different steroids bind to different receptors.
Originally Posted by j martini
No i mean like for example using qv test enanthate with denkall test enanthate
Originally Posted by bigger
If ur not under 9% bodyfat dont use masterone, thats more of a competition drug that only works at really low bodyfats
Originally Posted by bigger
Bro your diet, straighten out ur diet, once thats perfect results will come, i would throw in 20mg a day of nolva to keep the estrogen water out
hi thxs bro(s) well is tren the same thing as parabolan, and one mor thing guys, man isnt that alot of injections/day/week:
what kind of effect has deca peace bro!!
can u mix em in one syrige hehe?
You're right bro, with finish in WinstrolOriginally Posted by Moosepellet
yo a question, i couldnt find a thing abut resting between the cycels, how long is good? thxs in advance.
Food people always forgett about food thats the best gainer if you dont eat enough it doesent matter which steroid you use
It depends of your cycle bro. Some guys do 8 weeks ON, 4 - 6 weeks OFF or 10 weeks ON - 6 OFF ...Originally Posted by bigger
When you see that your training begin to be bad, no congestion, you loose quality you do a cycle again
That's what i do, i listen my body i think it's the best thing to do
That's crap advice, time on should equal time off. Example: 10 weeks of 500mg test E pw, then PCT finishes about week 15....week 25 at the earliest COULD be your next cycle.Originally Posted by Sp!ke
For me... Trenbolone Acetate and some form off Testosterone....!!.
that is what i am do now......
i have start whit Dianabol and after them..!!
Trenbolone Acetate 100mg/ml and Sustanon Karachi 250mg...... FOR 15 WEEK..!
Last edited by The OutLord; 04-15-2005 at 05:16 AM.
You mean that you just do not know of anyone who uses that combo... That is what you seemingly are saying, also your idiot friend should have used test along with that combo and probably an oral such as dbol. As for this is the first stack everyone thinks of... Well, alot of misinformed or unexperienced with this combo usually say the same thing you do - they are the same, which is clearly not the case. Also the theory of different receptors, would you list those receptors so I can make a stack to hit all receptors based on your theory? If you can provide this info on which receptors you will revolutionize the sport.Originally Posted by HumanPerfection1
Last edited by Mesomorphyl; 04-15-2005 at 08:05 AM. Reason: Need hp1 to provide info on the different receptors that each steroid hits
Originally Posted by HumanPerfection1
show me one pro that juices... they're all natural man... didnt you know this????? all they use is cell tech and nitro tech... DUUUHHHHH...
ps... sarcasm intended
yea right!! nevertheless, after this cykel, in to the next after the summer i will try test/eq/tren. but isnt that alot of injection, how much can for ex. the shoulder take and im ****ing afraid to "take it im my butt" and in my leggs it hurts like hell, anyone , give me a helping hand here. what shall I do?
thats because they are taking massive amounts of gh, igflr3, slin. i dont believe they even take much juice. anyways deca is way to weak for guys the size of the prosOriginally Posted by HumanPerfection1
Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
First off hes not a friend, jsut someone i know at the gym who just did a thrown together last min first cycle.....LOL I competed 4 times gonna be 5 in june, and I have a few friends at are almost pro's as well as train with pro's at steel nyc....sorry in nyc we dont do that stack, maybe in the midwest kids do that. And sorry I dident publish the receptor cell theory, If i did I be a genous and rich, if you'd like some articles pm me and ill tell you the books to read. For now I would sugest asking a pro about using a deca eq cycle.
Originally Posted by LB55blitz
yo they take alot of test, my friend was doin 3000mg a week of test, 900mg of deca, 700mg of tren, 150mg of androl,1mg of arimidex and 20mg of nolva, 8ius of gh 5/2 and slin. slin and gh with test really help
Originally Posted by EatRite
lol im around them alot in nyc some are pretty cool and open.
Originally Posted by bigger
good rule of thumb is the time your on is the time u should be off, 12 weeks on 12 weeks off...just to stay safe, however some people only come off for 4-6 weeks and some just dont come off...make sure u use antiestrogens, proper pct and diet and you'll be set
First you didn't publish it because you cant.Originally Posted by HumanPerfection1
Second I do know several 'pros' both football and body building who do use this combo and love it. But, I can tell you know everything and could never learn something new...
Of course. I am running cyp, prop (kickstart), fina, and deca. I will be doing winny at the end of the cycle. Whatever I am supposed to shoot that day all goes into the same rig. Why use 4 times as many pins, and have 4 times as many pinholes in my behind (and other places) and 4 times the scar tissue?Originally Posted by bigger
glute shots rule. You can take a lot of juice, there, and the pain isn't usually bad there no matter what you shoot. Quads next... can be a bitch to train legs, though, with a few cc of fresh gear in them. Delts, pecs, biceps, tris, traps, calves, etc I will only shoot 1cc. Quads can take two, no sweat. Glutes three, or a bit more. Some guys exceed those amounts by a good bit.Originally Posted by bigger
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