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Thread: eq. and dbol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Question eq. and dbol

    I got a bottle of equipose 10 mls @ 200mg/ml, would it be a good idea to stack this with dbol? If so how long and how many milligrams per day?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001


    .i'm also interested in information on this topic......

  3. #3
    yup. get another bottle of eq and some dbols.

    eq 400mg week 1-10
    dbol 30mg week 1-6 or 5-10 (if ran at the beginning you will get a jumpstart to your cycle. if ran at the end you will get the full effect of stacking)
    clomid three weeks after last shot of eq 300mg day 1, 100mg the next ten days, and 50mg the next ten days.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    if this is your first i wouldnt run it more then 4 weeks.and its a lot better to throw the dboll in the beggining.all that clomid is not necesary if u were on test i mean it definately wont hurt u , 100the fisrt 10 then 50 the next 10 should be sufficient.

  5. #5
    with only running two compounds then running dbol at the end would actually give you a stack. otherwise it's kind of like doing dbol then eq...not together. i would agree if he was adding test or something to the cycle but he didn't mention test. i have done it both ways with two compounds...and dbol at the end was better for me. also if your HPTA is supressed then it is suppressed. it is recomeded to take 300mg the first day. it has nothing to do with doses.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    ive done it both ways and it worked better for me in the fills i the 3 week gap in the beggining.the way u told him to take the clomid is the way i take it only when i hit a lot of test.eq and test stimulate and suppress hpta differently.u think that 600 mg of test and 600 mg of eq have the same affect on the hpta?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    i agree with Dizzy, thats my next cycle as a matter a fact..well
    d-bol 30mg/e.d. weeks 1-4
    EQ 400mg/week weeks 1-10
    maybe some t200 weeks 1-10
    clomid post cycle

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Steroids are bad ummkay?
    Originally posted by D3m3nt3d
    i agree with Dizzy, thats my next cycle as a matter a fact..well
    d-bol 30mg/e.d. weeks 1-4
    EQ 400mg/week weeks 1-10
    maybe some t200 weeks 1-10
    clomid post cycle
    Im through week 3 with this cycle except i opted for the schering 250/ml testoviron. I'm running it at 500/wk. This is my first cycle. By the way...I would never: 1. Do a cycle without 500/wk of test or more unless maybe it was a cutting cycle only...and 2. use only 200/wk of eq either...
    Frontload the eq once you get more than 10ml...that isnt enough eq.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    my mom
    I would personally just run the dbol all the way through....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Umm...DBol for 10 weeks straight??? That would pretty much boil up your liver!!! That's crazy, 6 weeks MAX, ideal is 4 weeks. No more then about 40mg/day. If it's a first cycle, 20-30mg/day should be good enough for some sweet gains!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Steroids are bad ummkay?
    Originally posted by Sexual Mustard
    I would personally just run the dbol all the way through....
    Did you mean to say dbol for ten weeks? that goes against what i've read hundreds of times on this forum. Everyone i trust my body to says don't run aa17's for more than 6 weeks. lets see what the esperts say

    thats rephrased a little better....
    Last edited by gettinthere; 04-09-2002 at 12:44 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    are u guys really i mean really sure about flaming that guy
    not to long ago i read a ver y positive article about
    extended oral cycles but they were w/one oral
    not an oral and two other compounds.
    i hope some smarties hop on this one
    and some good discussion insues
    but as for the guy w/the cycle question
    dear god man throw in some test

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    my mom
    of course it's against "conventional wisdom." I'm not stupid, but I think that it is just as overrated as Accutane's effects on the liver. Both of which I have used for months at a time, even SIMULTANEOUSLY! Doc says "everything looks good." So I just say I'd personally run it all the way through.....for me, it means "more strength, more muscle." The human liver is VERY efficient, and it's meant to take in and detoxify drugs among other things.... of course that doesn't mean to start playing with fire, but give Mr. Liver more credit!

    Peace. And I hope the original topic starter gets nice gains no matter what method he chooses.

  14. #14
    i'm also interested on this too,
    EQ, t2 and D-bol will be my cycle,
    what if do 1-4 50mg to jump start then do again
    7-10 50mg to get full effect of stacking as Dizzy
    is talking about?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Fort Lauderdale Florida
    throw some t200 in there, 600 mgs a week, and take 30 mgs a day of dbol. have plenty milk thistle around. good luck man

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    central ny(for school) philly (for home)
    Sexual Mustard: did you take any liver supps when you ran your dbols and accutane?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    all this talk about loosing a liver,, what about those people that take that stuff for like a year and not have any problems??

  18. #18
    Originally posted by big N
    ive done it both ways and it worked better for me in the fills i the 3 week gap in the beggining.the way u told him to take the clomid is the way i take it only when i hit a lot of test.eq and test stimulate and suppress hpta differently.u think that 600 mg of test and 600 mg of eq have the same affect on the hpta?
    well...they may effect it a little differently but not enough to really make a difference. IMO once HPTA is shut's shut down. and bringing my testosterone production back to regular is pretty dern important to me so the method of 300mg day 1, 100mg 10 days, and 50mg 10 days...that has worked for so many...i will continue to use. and recomend others to use.

    iron horse - they are brave souls. maybe sexual mustard is right. but without strict doctor supervision i wouldn't try it.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Steroids are bad ummkay?
    Some problems may not show up immediately, also maybe these people have iron livers...who knows? for me i'm sticking with what is the "most safe"

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    about the problems not coming right away... I bet thats the biggest truth about toxicity

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    my mom
    quasar--took milk thistle, 4 caps/day. Although recent posts on Elite have indicated that Milk Thistle is bunk for the liver, and that ALA is the thing to do now. So if that's the case then no, I didn't take anything worthwhile for my liver. But I also want to stress I don't drink alcohol at all....I say that because I know many users who enjoy alcohol while on A/S.

  22. #22
    maybe the reason why i been ignored of what i
    asked is bcos i just jump asking a different ? but somehow this ? is related it, or since this is 1st time someone ask this kind of ? changes r nobody has an asnwer to it, i haven't read nothing or
    someone trying it this way, i guess i'll be the
    1st one trying it..... maybe....

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dirty South
    how much mass can one gain for a eq/dbol cycle just wondering

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Steroids are bad ummkay?
    Originally posted by D00fy
    how much mass can one gain for a eq/dbol cycle just wondering
    think about it like this: maybe they can make some gains on that stack only, but how much better would it have been had they thrown some test in the mix?? Much better results...

  25. #25
    Originally posted by REM
    maybe the reason why i been ignored of what i
    asked is bcos i just jump asking a different ? but somehow this ? is related it, or since this is 1st time someone ask this kind of ? changes r nobody has an asnwer to it, i haven't read nothing or
    someone trying it this way, i guess i'll be the
    1st one trying it..... maybe....
    sorry REM, i didn't even see your question. with your cycle i would use the dbol at weeks 1-4 of the cycle. you'll be using test and the dbol will fill in any wasted time while your waiting for the test and eq stack to kick in. i recomended it at the end for tomcat because he only wants to use two compounds. hope this helps bro.

  26. #26
    i'll do that thanks bro...

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