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Thread: knees and squats????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    knees and squats????

    i got a question about squats and the front of my knees they allways hurt after and sometimes during my squat rutine(only if i go hard and heavy though)im kinda scared i might be hurting them bad or could screw them up when i play football. i do my sqauts pretty low usally bellow parallel to get work all the way to the top of my gluets, and thats the way the coaches wnat them done . it hurts right below my patela (i think thats what its called)
    im not on ne thing and im 17. thanx for ne help.

  2. #2
    my knees used to hurt when I did squats too. Just make sure to get a good warmup before even touching the squat rack (i.e. stretching, jogging, calistenics) You might wanna try wrapping your knees too, it increases the pressure in your joints and gives them a lot of support.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla
    I concur with devilscabanaboy19.....warm up properly, stretch and wrap your knees and you should have no problems if you are using strict form.

    Good luck bro.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I had the exact same situation. Try using a patella stabalizer or a "jumper's knee" brace. The kind that only wrap around the base of the patella, this puts enough pressure on the patella tendon to neutralize saging which occurs after the stretching they recieve from the heavy weights. Also do alot of stretching daily. This helps emmensly. Hope this works for you.

  5. #5
    this also happens to me, like all the way from the top of my knee to the bottom right under my patella. its really annoying because i have to put most of my wighth on my left knee because the right one hurts. any suggestions?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
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    My doc told me I had misaligned patellas. They are rubbing on the tibia. You can even see from the X-Rays that some calcium is building up. He said to start exercising the quads lightly by doing leglifts with very little weight. This will gradually strengthen the muscles and bring the patellas back inline so they don't rub. he gave me some mild pain killers too but I only use em on leg days. I've been followin his advice and it seems to be workin. They are still sore the day after but not nearely as bad as they used to. I am even doing front squats now. I don't know about you guys but wrappin my knees actually made my condition worse.

  7. #7
    yeah, wrapping my knees hurts. the pressure on the top of my kneecap makes the workout hell. i just try and deal with it or go light.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Deep in the Heart of Texas!!
    Thank God for wraps!!! If I couldn't wrap my knees there's no way I could squat or leg press. My knee caps feel like they're going to go flying across the gym or Xplode if I don't wrap them.
    Last edited by SouthbeachDreams; 04-09-2002 at 06:44 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Are you squat correctly?

    Is your technique correct?

    The movement should come from the hips not from the knees.

    Best way I haqve found to teach good tech. to people is to tell them to stand with their toes about an inch from a wall an do free standing sqauts that way. It is almost impossible to fuck this up, if you squat incorrectly with the movement coming from the knees than you knees will hit the wall.

    This way makes you move from the hips....

    You could be squating correctly and just have bad knees, so dont get pissed if you technique is good, I am just trying to help.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    its not my form cuz its real good ive been doing them awhile and ive been tought by allot of good bb and college football trainers. and ive herd that wraps weeken ur knees and unless ur squating like 750 lbs u dont really need them. I cant have week knees cuz i play football, so i dont know. do u guys think the pain in my knees is sorness or could i be damaging something in my knees
    lata, bizzz

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
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    We are prob talking about more than one type of knee problem here. In my case the knee caps(patellas) are literally rubbing on another bone . Wrapping my knees just makes them rub harder and limits my movement. It also makes em hurt a lot more. I don't squat 750 pounds either. I just know what's working for me.

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