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  1. #1
    SRTATUM is offline New Member
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    Apr 2002

    Deca-with the Dr. Atkins diet?

    I'm taking deca -200mg. Is it wise to be on the Dr. Atkins diet also? I was weighing 209. Im now 200 pounds. I want to become lean but have lots of mass also?

  2. #2
    juice junky jimbo is offline New Member
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    Mar 2002


    imo,carbs are essential to muscle building,especially after your workout..if iam not mistaking atkins diet means little or no good. if you want to stay or get lean while on decca look into anti e's proviron ,clen ,eca,cardio,maybe limit carbs at nighttime.deca is also known for water retention , so good luck. i tried a cycle about a year ago with no carb intake and i mean maybe 2 grams a 8 weeks of sust,test prop, i only gained 10 pounds,granted it was solid,but alot of work and money for only 10 measely pounds

  3. #3
    Methuselah's Avatar
    Methuselah is offline Member
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    The Atkins Diet is fine if you modify it a little. Keep up the high protein, and fats from qualtity oils. Start eating more carbs but only complex carbs, stay away from sugars and starches; so that leaves fruits and veggies minus potatoes, corn, and carrots. You want to eat complaex carbs, but only enough to burn for fuel.

    The key to deca is high calorie and high protein; Atkins Diet provides for that. Deca is not a culprit for water retention. You won't need anti-e's with the Deca either.

  4. #4
    poppapump58's Avatar
    poppapump58 is offline Member
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    The Atkins Diet is not something you want to consider when you are using anabolics. It is very important you consume an adequit amount of carbs, protein, and fat or you will not grow and your juice will go to waste. You should have considered using some winstrol instead of deca if your looking to get the hard look. Clenbuteral and T3(if your experienced) is also a good stack to lose bodyfat.

  5. #5
    juice junky jimbo is offline New Member
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    no flame bro,but ill bet you your gear that deca causes water retention.

  6. #6
    SRTATUM is offline New Member
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    Apr 2002
    Thank you guys for answering my question about the Dr Atkins diet!!!! I decided to give it up all together. In just one day, I jumped back up 6 pounds, and my body dosnt feel so straned. I appreciate you guys replying to my question. Peace! SRTATUM

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