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Thread: What to add to test P,EQ,and tren cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    What to add to test P,EQ,and tren cycle?

    I am currently running:
    1-12 EQ 600mg/week
    1-15 Test Prop 75mg ED
    1-4 D-bol 50mg ED
    8-13 tren 50mg ED
    HGH 4IUs 5on/2off
    now I want to decide what to add to the end of my cycle with the tren my goal is to get as shreaded as possible on a very low carb diet and cardio.
    Here is what I was deciding between:
    anavar, primo,or masteron
    I was thinking maybe primo at 200mg/week 6-12 and anavar 40mg.ED week 8-13. I just know different steroids take different pathways to receptors so that is the Idea behind the many compounds.

    This is my 5th cycle and I havnt ran tren yet so it will be new to me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    enjoy tren...u'll luv it.
    if i were u, i'd run var at least at 40mg/day. i don't think 200mg/day of primo will do much. i luv var though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    New York
    My cycle im setting up now that i start in a couple weeks is this... if this helps.

    wk 1-15 Prop 100mg ED
    wk 1-12 EQ 500mg
    wk 1-10 Fina 75mg ED
    wk 8-15 Var 50mg ED
    wk 10-15 Masteron 75mg ED

    wk 7-14 HCG 500iu's E4D
    wk 1-15 Nolva 10mg ED
    PCT 3 days after last prop injection

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    that looks good man. it's a good idea u got rid of dbol. i didnt' even notice that in the beginning. if u want, try tbol instead of dbol, but i hear it takes a while to kick in.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Inside a 3cc Dart
    add var.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    yea Im thinking screw the primo and go with var and masteron, that is alot of androgens better get some topical spiro and nizoral.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Inside a 3cc Dart
    Quote Originally Posted by slowpain
    yea Im thinking screw the primo and go with var and masteron, that is alot of androgens better get some topical spiro and nizoral.
    what's your BF like?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by wired-up
    what's your BF like?
    that's a good question, cause it better be low if u're gonna do masteron.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Inside a 3cc Dart
    Quote Originally Posted by soo2bhuge
    that's a good question, cause it better be low if u're gonna do masteron.
    yup. if it's not, you'll just be wasting your money.

  10. #10
    i think you will be very happy with just adding the tren to this cycle. i like to keep things simple, but at a minimum i only add one new type of gear at a time. that way i know what effects i am feeling from what gear. this is helpful for both positive and negative effects.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Zuke made a good point. Better to only introduce one new drug. Your cycle as written is pretty sophisticated already and should get you some quality mass. I would lower the eq by a hundred, though, or up the test. I really prefer that my test be higher than any other drug in the stack. I wouldn't drop the dbol necessarily, but since you are running prop, no need to run the jumpstart more than a couple of weeks. Start out with 40 or 50mg, taper off in the second week as your prop levels top out. The bloat will be only a memory when you finish the cycle. You shouldn't accumulate any fat to speak of, either. You don't need the dbol, but it won't hurt anything, either. Myself, I like the way it makes me feel. I get very cheerful and confident on that stuff.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I would have to say my BF is around 8% because I do landscaping work all day for a full time job and thats alot of cals burnt then I come home and work out at the gym 4 days a week. Im 5'10" at 190 right now. You are right about adding one gear at a time because I have to say I am a little woried about taking the tren knowing it is a nandralone darivative, I took Deca for my first cycle with primo and I got freaken shreaded more than any other cycle and droped BF like nothing even though I didnt have much to start with, but that Deca made me feel like **** all the time. I was realy pumped all the time but I had the worst Insomnia and nightmares every single night. There realy wasnt a night that went buy that I could sleep well. EQ dosnt do it to me and neither does-testosterone, winny, or d-bol. Dont know about the primo but I dont think it was the problem because even the pro-hormone to nandralone gave me insomnia.

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