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Thread: Is it too late for pct?

  1. #1

    Exclamation Is it too late for pct?

    Well, this is the deal i know its stupid but i ran my second cycle for 8 weeks from the beginning on jan- end of feb (8weeks) sust 250 every 3rd day. However, i never took any pct at all, i want to start a cycle very soon and i was wondering if its worth taking some clomid/nolvadex now , its been practically 2 months since juicing, what do i do? start the clomid? forget about it and start another cycle and do pct with it? also what do you guys think of this cycle as my next:

    1-12 test cyp 600-750 MG Every week
    1-4 dbol 30mg ED
    1-10 deca 500mg every week
    8-12 winni 50mg ED
    8-12 anavar 40mg ED
    1-12 nolva 10mg ED
    1-12 l-dex .25mg

    days 1-30 clomid @ 100mg ED, 300mg the first day
    days 1-30 nolvadex @ 20mg ED

    please respond to the original question about whether i should do pct this late in the game or not first then respond to my upcoming cycle, thanx guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    winn and anavar... wow..

  3. #3
    wow as in good wow, or wow as in bad wow?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TheJuiceBar
    Well, this is the deal i know its stupid but i ran my second cycle for 8 weeks from the beginning on jan- end of feb (8weeks) sust 250 every 3rd day. However, i never took any pct at all, i want to start a cycle very soon and i was wondering if its worth taking some clomid/nolvadex now , its been practically 2 months since juicing, what do i do? start the clomid? forget about it and start another cycle and do pct with it? also what do you guys think of this cycle as my next:

    1-12 test cyp 600-750 MG Every week
    1-4 dbol 30mg ED
    1-10 deca 500mg every week
    8-12 winni 50mg ED
    8-12 anavar 40mg ED
    1-12 nolva 10mg ED
    1-12 l-dex .25mg

    days 1-30 clomid @ 100mg ED, 300mg the first day
    days 1-30 nolvadex @ 20mg ED

    please respond to the original question about whether i should do pct this late in the game or not first then respond to my upcoming cycle, thanx guys!
    On the contrary to popular belief, people who have NEVER done juice, have found big boosts to natural testosterone production using clomid. Some real with it TRT/HRT docs will attempt to give their patients a couple clomid therapies before resorting to giving gear and needles to patients with low testosterone. There is no reason to think there is anything wrong with multiple clomid therapies. Lets say I PCT for good and no more gear for rest of 2005. Doing clomid therapies every 2 to 3 months would be a really good idea. Although you ONLY need to do 50 mg from day one until day 7 or 10. In a real PCT some people advise a high 300 or 100 mg dose to start as this is taking advantage of clomid as an ANTI-E and trying to protect you from being high in estrogen while you are low on testosterone. Well several months out, there is no need to anti-E because by then if you are low testosterone for a couple months, chances are good you are also becoming low estrogen with time.

  5. #5
    Thanks for the response, so i guess to some it up, I can probably just start my cycle and do pct with it, rather than doing pct this late for my cycle i did in jan-feb. Am i understanding this right? Thanks again.

  6. #6
    I would jump on some clomid, Trib, and Tongkat ali right now. Then once your cycle start drop the clomid and contiue with the trib and tongkat. Also, instead of wintrol and var you'd be better off just running 75-100mg of var. Other than that your cycle looks good.

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