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Thread: tren gyno help!!!!!

  1. #1

    tren gyno help!!!!!

    I was just feeling my left nipple when I noticed a small lump under my nipple. I am on a cycle of tren\prop right now so I wasn't sure if it was the tren or the prop that is giving me gyno. But sure enough I just sqeezed my nipple and I began lactating so that means the tren caused it right? What should I do? Do I need to order bromo? I have nolva and liquidex on hand right now, will any of them help at all? Thanks for helps guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I would do the following

    nolva @ 40mg ed

    l-dex @ .25mg ed

    vit b6 @ 200mg ed

    order some bromo

  3. #3
    Were can I order some Bromo?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ripped82
    Were can I order some Bromo?
    Asking for sources is a no no on this board...

  5. #5
    sorry bro, didn't think I needed a source for Bromo. What if I can't get my hands on it? B6 mabye.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    b6 for sure....start right away....

    ps. the source thing is a fine line when it comes to things like that...better safe than sorry

  7. #7
    The lump is from estrogen, the lactating is from prolactin. So, you need 80mg of nolva and some bromo or dostinex asap.

  8. #8
    How much b6 should I be using I heard too much can be bad for you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I would use 200mg ed

  10. #10
    I can get my hands on cabergoline, it is suppose to have the same active ingredient as dostinex. How long would I need to run this? Also I should run nolva @80mgs until syptomps go down.

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