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Thread: Alchohol

  1. #1
    visine224 is offline New Member
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    Question Alchohol

    I just started my first cycle today. I plan on taking D-bol, Nolvadex and end with clomid. My question is about alchohol and Steroids . Why do i hear that you should not drink with steroids? Is there any truth to this ?? Thanks in advance for you guys help

  2. #2
    arthurb999's Avatar
    arthurb999 is offline Anabolic Member
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    1- I wouldn't recommend taking d*ball alone. Get an injectable test as well.

    2- When taking oral steriods , drinking is not recommended.

    3- Get some milk thistle to protect you liver.

  3. #3
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Alcohol is hard on your liver...roids can be hard on your liver (especially orals like d-bol). Secondly alcohol is counter productive to what, I ASSUME, you are trying to accomplish. Also, why are you doing a d-bol only stack? Tell us a little more about what your long is your cycle? What dosages? How old are you? How long have you been training? How many calories to you eat in a day? The only reason I'm asking is because if you don't have everything dialed in your throwing your money out the window and taking a risk for no reason at all.


  4. #4
    visine224 is offline New Member
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    I have been working out now for about three years. Recently i have been slacking because of a move.. however i did recently get back on a three day a week work out schedule. As far as me im 23 and weight 185 about 15% body fat. As i mentioned in my initial post im taking D-bol (started today) i will be taking 25mg a day and plan on a 10 week cycle. Im waiting for my nolvadex and clomid should be hear monday . then i will begin taking nolvadex everyday and end my cycle with clomid..... this is my first cycle and i know d-bol is known for gains but not for keeping them.... im hoping this will be a good start .... ??? is there any non injectables i should be stacking with ??? or would anyone recomend a follow up cycle ???? winstrol ???? all info is appreciated

  5. #5
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Uh's another one. Now realize I am just trying to help you here. NEVER start a cycle until you have all your gear. What happens if the nolva and clomid get lost in the mail...then what do you do? When you start growing man boobs and have nothing to combat it with, all you can do is watch your chest grow out like a 13 year old girl going through puberty. And 2nd, dbol alone isn't a "cycle" And 10 weeks is WAY too long for orals. Who have you been getting your juice advice from? Probably someone who doesn't know there shit that well, besides saying it IS toxic to the liver and kidneys. Stay around here for a while, and learn ALL you can, before starting. ?Maybe, put a halt onm your cycle, so you can actually make it a cycle.


  6. #6
    visine224 is offline New Member
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    since i have the d-bol what would u recomend adding or taking to make this cycle successful ?

  7. #7
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    first you were looking for another oral to stack it with. i would not do 2 different orals at a time. i would stack it with some sort of test.depends on what you are trying to do.

  8. #8
    Lush's Avatar
    Lush is offline Associate Member
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    PaPa P is on the money. You gotta do more research.
    I messed around with the gear for 7 months without knowing what the hell I was doing- and made jack squat keepable gains.

    But anyways....
    Do not do d-bol for more than 5 weeks. For a first timer- I'd say run sust 500 along with the 'bol. Run the sust for 10 weeks.

    As for alcohol- I've had a hell of a tiome finding a straight answer why you don't do it on gear.
    With d-bol it's easy: 'bol is liver toxic. Doing it by itself is bad enough but alcohol makes it worse. Trust me- you do not want to get drunk when you are on d-bol. You will wake up and actually be able too feel your liver.

    As for alcohol with say test, like sust, I'm not too sure. the best answer I've heard is that booze fucks with protein absorption. And BB'ing reallly is 80% diet.

    And don't forget milk thistle with the d-bol. i've done 'bol with and without- and the thistle is great. Really great actually.

    And go for 35 or 40 mg of d-bol.

    peace bro

  9. #9
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
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    are u serious???its common a little rsearch on the basics and then post on things your not sure.

  10. #10
    Full Intensity's Avatar
    Full Intensity is offline Anabolic Member
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    As everyone has said above, dbol alone is harsh on the liver. This is why it is recommended to take milk thistle while adminstering the dbol. And it is common knowledge that alcohol is harmful on the liver as well. thus we can derive the following formula (bad for the liver + bad for the liver) = torture for the liver. Don't mind that i am just so sick of doing math proofs its driving me up the wall. Its all i've been thinking about lately.

  11. #11
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    big papa hit it all

    i would suggest deca or eq to stack it w/ at first.thats' a good rookie move you can't go wrong w/.maybe wait on the test the second time around IMO.

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