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Thread: T3 concerns

  1. #1
    bigjayo is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2004

    T3 concerns

    hey guys,

    I need a few questions answered. First off, I'm 231lbs at 15%, I'd like to get into the 210 range. I've been dieting pretty hard for the last 6 weeks with clen , still not really seeing the results I want. SO I figured I would give T3 a try this will be without steroids so I read that most only recommend 50mcg a day? is this correct? Also could someone show me a 6 week ramp up ramp down cycle for t3 if I do not exceed 50mcg a day? And finally, T3 PCT, what does it include, and what should I use? Sorry I'm a T3 newbie, and I know this stuff must be taken very seriously. I know several people on T3 for life from abuse/misuse.



  2. #2
    cobra1414 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2005
    Don't bother w/out steroids bro. 50mcg is right on the edge of muscle-eating, and its the bare minimum for noticeable fat loss.

    Add a couple extra cardio sessions, or go in a different direction.

    T3 in this capacity is a poor choice.

  3. #3
    bigjayo is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2004
    Really? 6 weeks at 50mcg wouldnt work? I am not doing steroids , I've done them in the past and my ol' lady is fed up with the lack of libidio/ego/mood changes. Haha I know, but its true, in PCT she is ready to leave me for lack of sex. I'm running clen 120mcg for 8 weeks right not with every 2 weeks benadryl. I'm not trying to take shortcuts, I used to weigh 380lbs and got down to 250lbs with proper nutrition and running a mile every day + taking 2-3 walks a day over 15 months. I just feel I've got that like 15lbs of baby fat that is hard as hell to get off and I'm pretty much ready to take the T3 plunge.

  4. #4
    southsidejuncki is offline New Member
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    Try DNP i have seen alot of bro's lose that last 5-10lbs on it.

  5. #5
    bigjayo is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2004
    No thanks to the DNP , in my mind, that is horrible for your body.

  6. #6
    cobra1414 is offline Junior Member
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    You might consider Tbol or var with the T3 then, just something light.

  7. #7
    bigjayo is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2004
    How light is light? I could do 200mg EQ for 10 weeks, or 250mg Test E for 10 weeks? Bottom line is I just wanna retain as much muscle as I can, so if steroids are a must, then I will take the plunge. But i have a slight case of gyno, so 200mg EQ or 250mg test is about as high as I want to go right now.

  8. #8
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Running test at a low dose is a good idea. Make sure to read up on Nolva, L-dex, Clomid, if you already haven't.

    Var and t3 would be a good stack also. I'm running that myself very soon.

    My cycle: 60mg/day of var, and 50-100mcg/day of t3.

    You can run it by ramping up if you want, but I don't see the point in ramping down. This will only delay the time until your thyroid can begin recovery.

    As for not seeing the results you want, let's see your diet before you hop onto anything else. And when/how are you doing cardio?

    For some more t3 info, and for proper thyroid PCT and supplementation, read the links in my sig.

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