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Thread: Yohibeburn -Does it Work?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    South Jersey, near Philly

    Yohibeburn -Does it Work?

    Does this stuff really work. I hear all of you guys talking about it like it is a definite thing.

    If it is, why isn't the whole world using this.

    I used to be really fat and have alot of problem areas. I would really like to get some after my cycle if it is for real.

    Let me hear everyones experiences. Good or BaD!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    We are feverishly working on getting it out to the whole world. The product was only invented last Aug and it wasn't sold anywhere but a couple discussion boards until we were sure it would work on a large scale. This year you will start seeing it more in the mainstream supp mags and stores.
    But the answer to your question is that it has been used for several years by body builders all over the world in powder form and most of it got wasted that way. The Yohimburn lab rats just found a way to treat the yohimbine hcl and use a special delivery agent no one had thought of before. WHALLA!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    ulter.. any word on the new formula possibility>? I heard they are looking into adding a local diuretic to combat the water retension.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    oh my , i bought a bottle for 80bucks, i wish i would have just boght some primo instead of wasting my money. its garbage, all a hype. please dont belive it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    might as well rub on your yohimburn while ur using your sonic abs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    i disagree, i think its how you use it and what you do in conjunction with it... ya its not gonna be magical and might work crappy for some people (especially those will low estrogenic fat) but that is a pretty big claim to make, go dig up saint's pics of his before and after love handles...

  7. #7
    worked for me... that's all i can say... works better on endomorphs than any others tho due to estrogenic fat deposits.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    The city where dreams are
    It didnt work for me. I think it is a joke.

  9. #9
    Bigpoppa and CLK,

    While it is dissappointing that YOU did not get good results, there are over a thousand other people that have. Not to attack you but just because something does not work for you does not make it a joke or garbage... if that were the case then DECA must be garbage(actually agree with that one ).. as there are a lot of people that dont get good results from it.. and clen is junk.. a lot of people dont respond to it either. and creatine sucks... etc...etc.. actually pretty much everything...

    dont really know why it did not work for you in particular.. perhaps you dont have high A2 receptor density.. perhaps the areas applied to were not A2 dense. Perhaps your Receptor isoforms were not responsive to yohimbine (this is a possiblity.. though uncommon..)

    btw- there are other people that have not gotten good results, but luckily they are few.. well over 95% of the feedback has been very positive.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    well i started this 10 days ago now im at the end of the 1st full week i took 2 days off on the weekend as suggested, I havent noticed anyting yet and I am not getting much water retention if any, I will let u know what i think more when i have finished I have 2 bottles I dont really care what it cost, if it works then its cool if it doesnt then its not shit its just down to me but being an endo like saint im hoping to see some good results. It might be hard for me to tell cos im dropping alot of weight quickly down 25lb so far in a month so I am not sure but anything to aid in the process is good for me, oh by the way dont touch ur balls after u put it on


  11. #11

    just started

    i just started taking yohimburn 4-8-02 and have not noticed any results yet - but i figure it will take at least 2 weeks to notice results - I'LL DEFINITELY KEEP YOU POSTED!!!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    i experienced pretty good results with yohimburn. make sure you scrub the hell out of the area before you put it on and it works better. i actually put it on after a shower after my workout. i put t on my cest and it has made a difference, but i have been running alot also. worth a try.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    South Jersey, near Philly


    Hey guys,

    Thanks so much for all of the feedback. I really want to make sure this is a legitimate product. Like I said I lost alot of weight about 5 years ago and would love to loose the small love handles I have left, my saggy butt, and a little of fat around my pecs.

    I will give it a try once I am done my TEST/DECA cycle in another 4 weeks.

    I plan on doing a good FAT BURNER and using the Yohimbeburn to really lean out and get ripped. PLUS do alot of cardio but dont want to loose my muscle gains.

    Any ideas on a good PLAN?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    try considering using NYC (norephedrine, yohimbine, caffeine) for 2 weeks on and then 2 weeks off... on the off weeks run a normal ECA.

    Do your cardio on an empty stomach (at least three hours since your last meal).

    For retaining muscle, you could consider creatine, however it will add to the water retension that you will prolly get from yohimburn (this is very discouraging while using the product but eventually goes away after use, which is when i noticed my results). Glutamine Peptides taken with a protein shake or L-glutamine capsules taken on an empty stomach also supposedly really help you retain muscle while cutting.

    Hope this helps, good luck.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I plan on doing a good FAT BURNER and using the Yohimbeburn to really lean out and get ripped. PLUS do alot of cardio but dont want to loose my muscle gains.

    Use NYC with the Yohimburn and you'll get great results.

    might as well rub on your yohimburn while ur using your sonic abs.

    Based on a sampling of the over 2000 people who have used Yohimburn there are approx 5-7% who didn't get the results they wanted, whatever that was. So better than 90% do get good results. Most the people who are disappointed think that they can put it on and in 6 weeks have a 6 pack were they had 10 pounds of ab fat without diet or cardio. When Yohimburn releases the fat you'd better be burning it or you'll defeat the purpose of it. This is why the vets who know how to cut have the best results from it. Like saint808.

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