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Thread: cycle question : please read

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    cycle question : please read

    i have 2 questions pertaining to sus usage:
    1) i used to run sus twice a week , 500 mgs per week but from research and questions on this board it says to do it eod. taking all this into account, has anyone noticed a difference in gains while taking the sus eod compared to twice a week ?

    2) even though this is not my first cycle using sus , i want to remain at 500 mgs a week, i am gyno prone so do not want to overdo it with the test also taking 10 mgs of nolva. taking all this into account , is 125 mgs eod an ok dosage in following this method or do you need to take more sus at the time of injection to reap full benefits of eod injections?

    thanks for all info

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I have used sus both ways and IMO, now not everyone agrees with this but i didn't notice in difference in gains running twice a week or EOD if you are only running 500mg/wk. It will keep blood levels more stable running it EOD though. That is why sus is best used by someone that will take higher doses to get the full effect of running EOD.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BodyMechanic
    I have used sus both ways and IMO, now not everyone agrees with this but i didn't notice in difference in gains running twice a week or EOD if you are only running 500mg/wk. It will keep blood levels more stable running it EOD though. That is why sus is best used by someone that will take higher doses to get the full effect of running EOD.
    so as long as i am getting 500 mgs a week shooting eod or twice a week , the sus will work the same. i agree with blood levels being more stable with eod injections. i thought for some reason that by taking 125 mgs of sus eod instead of 250 mgs twice a week, the sus might not work as good because i thought 125 mgs per shot was too low a dosage to cause a good effect.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    I think you could run it 125mg EOD or 250mg 2x a week. I would think the difference is negligible. Granted I've never run sust, but from what I've read and from what my friends that have run it told me, this seems to make sense.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    125mg eod (1/2 cc) nets 437.gmg/week. If you can still grow on this dose then theirs no problem doing this. If howvwer, this is your 5th or so cycle and your last 2-3 cycles included doses of test above 750, then yea, you might not see the gains you want at 437.5. On the flip side, if your last cycles were in the 500mg/wk range, you should be fine. The hard part about sus is that range between 125/eod and 250/eod, and if your still in the middle of it then maybe sustanon isn't for you. If you are in this range and already bought the sustanon, maybe you'll have to do something like .6 or .7 cc eod, just a thought. luck.

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