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Thread: BODY-for-LIFE????Is this s..t for REAL???

  1. #1

    Question BODY-for-LIFE????Is this s..t for REAL???

    I have been working out for several years, and I noticed a few years ago this competition organized by Bill Phillips (I guess everybody knows who this man is), the 12 week challenge. I saw the before and after pictures of all this men and women, and I was (and still are) a little shocked, they gained 32 pounds of solid muscle, or lost 40 pounds of fat in just 12 weeks using only supplements like creatine and protein powder. I do believe in the use of supplements, but give me a break..... if gaining muscle or loosing fat would be that easy, I guess there would be no room for AAS. I also had the chance to watch a few of the videos where the winners talk (I saw Body of Work, and Success Histories 1), and something called my attention, in the first video the winners are connected to a lier detector machine and they where ask if they used AAS, 3 of the guys failed.... I havent think about this untill now, but do this people or at least some of them use AAS in order to get this bodies in such a small amount of time???? I would really like your opinion about his matter...Thanks

  2. #2
    diet, training, and determination my friend. anything is possible if you do these three correctly. most people that have spent their live eating like shit and not working out that change their ways make drastic changes in short amount of time. i gained 15 lbs naturally in like two months. it is very possible. now if you have been training and eating right for years and then take creatine and gain 30lbs...then yeah your argument makes more sense.

  3. #3
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    Mar 2002
    I agree with what Dizzy is saying...Although I do doubt the validity of some of the specific examples from the Body for Life competitions, I believe the vast majority are legit. Firstly, most of these people are people that start in the worse possible shape they could be in-- and before knowing they are about to start-- they try to bloat themselves and look as pethetic as possible for the pics. Then they drastically change every element of their lives. So , it is normal that they would make huge strides. For experieced lifters/dieters that start off in prime shape, it is a different story (for results cannot possibly be so drastic). Similiarly, if somebody that has been into fitness for a long time stops it all and gets into HORRIBLE shape and then all of a sudden starts back up again with incredible dedication, that person will also show dramatic results. Another element to consider are the less legitimate reasons that the changes look so drastic-- like shaving body hair, tanning, lighting, dehydrating the body, etc. So, to some it up, I think most of the before and after pics are legitimate, but should be considered within the context of the things I just mentioned.

  4. #4
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    I have friends that have done and are doing body for life. they all got great results. its good because bfl isnt a diet of anysort really. it just teaches people how to eat right. i dont like the training it suggests, but for a newbie it seems to work. my friends didnt get big buff or lose massive amounts of weight, but they did make very good gains. as for the winners using aas, i dont know. but yea, the pics are pretty outrageous huh..but i believe them.


  5. #5
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    In a cold dark hole in total isolation.


    I think its full of sh*t,I've seen the pics....(no way)....did 80% of those guys not use gear!!I did the plan to a tee,didnt even use the free day.I didnt get even close to one of those pics.He uses pics of these guys because it sales his sh*t!He simply uses peoples hopes and dreams against them,and as expensive as his supps are you could do a descent cycle and triple your results.Just my opinion!

  6. #6
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    Mar 2002
    I did it and it worked great!! If you buy the book it will tell you everything you need to know as far as how and when to eat best way to workout. I recommend you get a note book and keep track of eating and your workouts you can also go to and download and print out the log sheets to keep track of all your stuff. I still use the the log sheets to keep track of my meals

  7. #7
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    Mar 2002
    Well, I did it as well, though I did not have the dedication that I do now. I lost some BF, gained some muscle BUT NOTHING like the winners did. I attibute this to thier desire, hard work, dedication, and some did supplements beyond the legal relms.

    I think it is great to help people who know nothing get into the groove of working out, eating better, and getting into shape. I know that when I wanted to get my shit together but didn't know where to look I found quite a few pompus assholes that were unwilling to help me in ANY way, and I'm talking advice here. For me, I had a sincere desire to get my body back in order and the book was a nice intro. It's better than the damn fat burning/fad diets in the world thats for sure. As for me, I vow to always help out someone who wants to get in shape and needs some advice, fuck the rest of the pompus ass's of the world.

    To answer the original question, sure some of the contestants do it natrually, and I'm sure some of the contestants stretch the rules. Either way, I give them all a big hell yeah for making the first step in getting thier body back together, with or without gear.


  8. #8
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    ON, Canada
    A good friend of mine won the whole deal in 1998 and I know for a fact that he was NOT useing gear. It's surpriseing how shitty one can make themselves look in one photo (paisty, hairy, bloated, bad clothing) and then turn it right around for the next (tanned, well groomed, smiling, form fitting clothes). He made out pretty well. He got a 98' Vette plastered with EAS stickers, $10,000, a trip for 4 to Hawaii, leather jacket, ring, and I thing a years worth of supliments.

  9. #9
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    I can speak for my girl, she did the Body For Life challenge and got great results. She ended up in the top 250 people in the nation at that time. She was and is 100% clean, nothing other than what you can get from GNC!

  10. #10
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    Dec 2001
    I really have a hard time believeing that a large majority of those people did not do something. There may be those few with great gentics who can but those are far and few between. The results they get are the results we strive for when on juice. Take a good look at some of those before pics. These guys that have been lifting and just been bulking and putting on just a little extra fat. Then they cut up and tan and send in their after pics. Muscle maturity and cuts do not come in 3 months. If so we would all be buff in 3 months. This is very well planned by the people who enter and most have some time under there belt.

    Big Red your friend did not do gear but was he already involved in bodybuilding and had a base to build on? Congrats to your friend that is a lot of people to beat to get there but he had a plan before started I am pretty sure.

  11. #11
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    I did it along with my parents with great results...this was about when I first started training and actually by doing the BFL program I learned to eat correctly. Small meals throughout the day instead of 2-3 big ones. Now I always incorperate protein into a meal. Shit I never eat a meal without protein in it. Protein is the main course of every meal I consume. Before that I would eat a granola bar or just a piece of fruit in place of a meal...and this is not proper nutrition if you looking to build a quality physique. This program is what taught me the basics of building a good foundation with diet, training, and dedication. I think it's a great program for the common person. It teaches the common person who has not a clue about this lifestlyethe the right way to turn your body into a muscle building fat burning machine. Like the others said, if you eat right, don't cheat follow a good training program you can totally reshape your body. I'm sure some of the contestants might of juiced, but I'm sure most of them just put some very hard work and dedication into it. My parents and I got ripped- in fact that was when I had the lowest body fat ever. From 14% to 7% and that is killer for me. My dad went from 16%to 9%. Shit I used to be all about partying, drugs, and it is what helped me change my lifestyle. I thinks it a great program, and I fully respect Bill Roberts for starting something like that for normal everyday people. Ok Bill, now that will be $1,000,000.00- Thank you

  12. #12
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    ON, Canada
    Last edited by THE BIG RED MACHINE; 04-12-2002 at 11:56 AM.

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