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Thread: Need advice on a Dbol/Anadrol, + something else cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Need advice on a Dbol/Anadrol, + something else cycle

    Ok, first off I am no newbie when it comes to cycles, but for some reason I really want to try a cycle with anadrol and Dbol in it. the Dbol for the after workout pumps, and the anadrol for the MASSIVE strength gains I have gotten in the past.

    I know that I should probally add an ester in there, but any ideas on what ester (used prop, and cyp in past but have access to enth)

    Is it a must?

    I just ordered my M1T supplies to try while inbetween cycles. And if it is pertinent that I use an ester I want to use maybe 600-800mg a week (trying to keep it simple)

    Any Ideas on what to do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    bump please


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    you're no newbie, yet you want to try drol/dbol with "something else"......i dont know, test maybe?!?! and i would not run drol and dbol together.....stick w/ one class II steroid....your liver will thank you, not to mention they both pretty much do the same thing (put on mass and strength) either or is fine......and if you just want dbol only for the after workout pumps, i dont know what to say about that.....what type of drol doses have you ran??? you'll get some pumps with a higher dose......

    as for your ester, enanthate is barely any different from cyp.......would be nice if you would give out an example cycle of what you'd like to do and tell us what your goals (weight gain) would be.

    as for M1T in between cycles, i wouldnt dare do that. In between cycles is supposed to be recovery time, not to jump on another compound that is actually a steroid itself....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I was thinking :

    100mg drol a day
    30-40mg dbol a day
    750mg test enth a week

    PLUS: the basic PCT stuff

    Quote Originally Posted by wolfyEVH
    you're no newbie, yet you want to try drol/dbol with "something else"......i dont know, test maybe?!?! and i would not run drol and dbol together.....stick w/ one class II steroid....your liver will thank you, not to mention they both pretty much do the same thing (put on mass and strength) either or is fine......and if you just want dbol only for the after workout pumps, i dont know what to say about that.....what type of drol doses have you ran??? you'll get some pumps with a higher dose......

    as for your ester, enanthate is barely any different from cyp.......would be nice if you would give out an example cycle of what you'd like to do and tell us what your goals (weight gain) would be.

    as for M1T in between cycles, i wouldnt dare do that. In between cycles is supposed to be recovery time, not to jump on another compound that is actually a steroid itself....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ArkansasAlex
    I was thinking :

    100mg drol a day
    30-40mg dbol a day
    750mg test enth a week

    PLUS: the basic PCT stuff

    jesus, for how long??? and please dont tell me you'd run the orals from beginning to end.......

    40mg of dbol for first 5 weeks
    750 test enanthate for 12 weeks

    that will put some serious strength and weight gain on you bro.....granted you're eating a crap to mention your dbol pumps you like

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by wolfyEVH
    jesus, for how long??? and please dont tell me you'd run the orals from beginning to end.......

    40mg of dbol for first 5 weeks
    750 test enanthate for 12 weeks

    that will put some serious strength and weight gain on you bro.....granted you're eating a crap to mention your dbol pumps you like

    No the anadrol for 1-4 and the dbol for 1-5


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    upstate SC
    better get lots of milk thistle

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