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Thread: Okay.. Masteron or EQ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Okay.. Masteron or EQ?

    I am nearing the end of my first cycle. Test E 400mg/week and Winstrol ED 50mg (last half). I have gained a solid 15+ pounds and have lost easily 2-3% worth of BF.

    I will plan to take 12-15 weeks off and start my second. My goals for my second cycle are to maintain at 185-190 pounds and loose as much BF as possible. My ultimate goal is 185/190 at 8-9% BF.

    Given your experience and/or knowledge, what would you stack with Test P between masteron and EQ?

    I need to place my order Monday and I am somewhat stuck between the 2. The only reason I am shying away from Masteron is because of the hairloss issue. I havent really had any problems that I have noticed with Winstrol.

  2. #2
    MPB is carried by the X chromosome (yo' momma). If the men in her family don't have it, then you probably won't.

    I personally like Masteron, but that could be because I keep my bf% at around 9% all year round, so it works very well for me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I like to run EQ for long periods of time while cutting (usually up to six months at a time). I very much enjoy drugs like masteron and tren but I tend to only run them for six to eight weeks at a time. After that I begin to get some unwanted sides from them. I tend to run my test and eq in the background the entire length of my cutter and throw in other drugs to help with my goals.

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