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Thread: my dumbass friend

  1. #1

    my dumbass friend

    has anyone here heard of a website that you send a money order and they send you drugs, my friend is trying to get shit from it and it seems so shady, if he can find it cant the law do you know if it would be a reputable source or is he gonna get arrested or just taken for his money?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    depends on the source, I've seen a couple reputable international sources with sites but no domestic guys that actually have websites. PM a mod about it. You can also pm me if you want and I'll let you know if I know anything about it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    its a little risky but possible I have seen and heard of it before,
    stay away from anyone with the name that starts with "bulkup"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Most of those web sites are scammers but i have had luck with one site last year but they are suppose to be under construction on their web sites but that was suppose to be done a while back so I dont know if they will open back up.I tried to email them but get no replies so i dont know whats going on with them.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Where there's more than corn
    i dont think i would even mess with that stuff. that could just be some bastard who set up a website with addresses that lead to some shack, but have the address "Roid Pharmacy"(i'm not saying this is a particular place, just an example!!) lol i mean, you just never know!

    Big J

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