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  1. #1
    jsr is offline New Member
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    DNP again (about lowcarb diet)

    Tomorrow I'll start my DNP cycle.

    I'll do 20 days @ 200mg

    Suplements are vit C, vit E, Now Foods "super antioxidant", multivitamin, omega-3, yohimbine, caffeine, ephedrine and taurine.

    I've planned to do a low-carb diet à "joevette".

    The diet should be like 350g protein, 40 g fat and maybe around 100g of carbs.
    I will do totally 1 hour of cardio a day, splitted up at 2 times.

    But there are som questions that I don't has answer on.

    1. What is best, split the carbs over the hole day, OR take all carbs in the first and/or second meal in the morning?

    2. When is it best to do the cardio when on DNP, morning b4 breakfast? evening?

    3. Is it good or bad to do a 50g fructose/50g glucose (100g carbs totaly) split or should I change it?

    4. I saw this in the "educational DNP thread".

    Another reason you want simple sugars or insulin is that DNP starts to make your vision blurry if you are on a low carb diet.
    Why are many doing (including me soon) lowcarb on DNP then?

    I hope anyone got the answers, maybe joevette.


  2. #2
    cobra1414 is offline Junior Member
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    1)doesn't matter
    2)doesn't matter
    3)doesn't matter

    imo theres no reason to go low carb on DNP , eat plenty of fruit, get good amounts of carbs in pwo, and ppwo and you're good to go.

  3. #3
    majorpecs's Avatar
    majorpecs is offline Anabolic Member
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    You actually need to keep your carb intake UP. DNP can cause hypo if carbs are too low.

  4. #4
    joevette's Avatar
    joevette is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsr
    Tomorrow I'll start my DNP cycle.

    I'll do 20 days @ 200mg

    Suplements are vit C, vit E, Now Foods "super antioxidant", multivitamin, omega-3, yohimbine, caffeine, ephedrine and taurine.

    I've planned to do a low-carb diet à "joevette".

    The diet should be like 350g protein, 40 g fat and maybe around 100g of carbs.
    I will do totally 1 hour of cardio a day, splitted up at 2 times.

    But there are som questions that I don't has answer on.

    1. What is best, split the carbs over the hole day, OR take all carbs in the first and/or second meal in the morning?

    2. When is it best to do the cardio when on DNP, morning b4 breakfast? evening?

    3. Is it good or bad to do a 50g fructose/50g glucose (100g carbs totaly) split or should I change it?

    4. I saw this in the "educational DNP thread".

    Why are many doing (including me soon) lowcarb on DNP then?

    I hope anyone got the answers, maybe joevette.

    1. Fewer insluin spikes mean more fatloss. So, I only eat carbs on my DNP cycles pwo and ppwo, and one pro/carb meal early on my off day. If you get really lethargic and an ECA won't take care of it you can add another pro/carb meal.

    2. It's always best to do cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

    3. I generally try to keep my carbs low glycemic, except pwo where dextrose is what you want. On workout days I'll have 150-200g of carbs, and on nonworkout days I keep it slightly under 100g.

    4. I've read that before, but they really don't give any reasoning or references to back up their claim. I think the dex you get pwo should be enough to prevent vision problems if they are truly caused by DNP.

  5. #5
    majorpecs's Avatar
    majorpecs is offline Anabolic Member
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    This taken from a post by Abstract76 who did alot of DNP research:

    Your diet while using DNP

    There are several different opinions on this. The most important issue to point out here is that classic diets will cut carbs and fat. This is NOT the case with DNP. DNP will make your ATP production inefficient, and your body will be working hard to try to rebuild that ATP. Cutting carbs at that time will put your body in a state of hypoglycemia. It's recommended that you instead, cut carbs a few days prior to your cycle, and then have a well balanced diet while on your cycle.

    Here's why -- your body will need carbs while your ATP is rendered inefficent, they are essential. The carbs will not be stored, and they will be burned while your body tries to replenish your ATP. You can even raise the carbs higher than the protein or fat. Even though DNP is not usually catabolic to your muscles, you still need to provide protein to your body to avoid this. And don't worry too much about fat intake while on DNP, just keep it at a reasonable amount and try to keep the fats unsaturated.

    Total caloric intake should stay at your maintainence level. You can use calorie calculators to figure this out.

    Keep in mind that one side effect of DNP is 'carb-craving'. You will be hungry and looking for high-carb foods. Since you want to stay at your maintainence calorie intake, you should probably use dexatrim or another appetite suppresent to supress these cravings.

    This is from me:
    FYI...these cravings are HORRIBLE, I remember the first time I ran DNP, like the 3rd day I ate probably 10000 calories worth of high carb food. It was like I couldn't stop. Also, running DNP at 200mg per day for 30 days is ALOT more bearable and workable than running high doses for shorter time periods. I can actually go to work on 200mg of DNP and hardly get noticed. (except for those few times when i'm so lethargic I can't even keep my eyes open)
    Last edited by majorpecs; 04-27-2005 at 01:25 PM.

  6. #6
    jsr is offline New Member
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    i have another question..

    one day aweek i'm working in a supermarket where I lift boxes and other stuff for 6-7hours. it's rather tough sometimes. when I'm on 200mg only, is it possible to continue do it?
    how should I do with the carbs then? increase them a lot?

    and finally, fructos should it be a big part of the carb intake, yes or no? cause everyone says "eat a lot of fruit"? (or is it only because you want antioxidants)

  7. #7
    joevette's Avatar
    joevette is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsr
    i have another question..

    one day aweek i'm working in a supermarket where I lift boxes and other stuff for 6-7hours. it's rather tough sometimes. when I'm on 200mg only, is it possible to continue do it?
    how should I do with the carbs then? increase them a lot?

    and finally, fructos should it be a big part of the carb intake, yes or no? cause everyone says "eat a lot of fruit"? (or is it only because you want antioxidants)
    I'd eat alot more carbs on that day, you'll need them. Plan on getting a little sweatier than normal too. I don't eat any fructose on DNP , but I don't think it will hurt you.

  8. #8
    BrownBomber's Avatar
    BrownBomber is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by joevette
    I'd eat alot more carbs on that day, you'll need them. Plan on getting a little sweatier than normal too. I don't eat any fructose on DNP, but I don't think it will hurt you.

    Why is it you dont eat fruit while on DNP ?


  9. #9
    cobra1414 is offline Junior Member
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    That isn't smart. Fructose replenishes liver glycogen which you need, and DNP eats glycogen like candy.

    Eat fruit.

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