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Thread: Proviron Qestions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Proviron Qestions

    I am gonna start a cycle with Test Prop in the begining @ about 400mg/ek. I want to have an anti-e on the side jsut in case. I read all of you guyz keep nolva on the side, i know nolva and proviron work in a different way, but could i use proviron jsut as well as nolva?? What kind of dosages should i take daily?/ any info will help, thanks.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Proviron inhibits aromatization of AS. Nolva blocks receptor sites. Two very different means to the same end. I have used Proviron in many cycles and have never suffered e-related sides. I am not prone to them, so you could be very different in this regard..? Proviron is a decent not great anti-e. You are better off with arimidex, if you can find / afford it.
    If you decide to go the Proviron route I use 50mg pd. If you go the Nolva route do not take it until you begin to notice signs of e-related sides. If you decide to get both I would advise only taking the Proviron, hold the Nolva until you notice sides...

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