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Thread: Brovel vs. Ttokkyo

  1. #1

    Question Brovel vs. Ttokkyo

    I have an opportunity to buy T200 for almost half the price of Test Cyp200 from TT, both in 10ml vials. My question is this, am I better off paying a little more since Brovel is usually underdosed? Please, throw me some opinions.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
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    Re: Brovel vs. Ttokkyo

    Originally posted by gman777
    I have an opportunity to buy T200 for almost half the price of Test Cyp200 from TT, both in 10ml vials. My question is this, am I better off paying a little more since Brovel is usually underdosed? Please, throw me some opinions.

    Damn, if it's almost half price, buy the Brovel and buy twice as much...

  3. #3


    buy the brovel,it also doesnt sting like hell the next day.i heard that tt was going to correct the alcohol content problem,but my last bottle still hurt.

  4. #4
    I have thought of that, but that would mean more jabs with the pinz, right?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
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    Re: reply

    Originally posted by juice junky jimbo
    buy the brovel,it also doesnt sting like hell the next day.i heard that tt was going to correct the alcohol content problem,but my last bottle still hurt.
    They did corect it, you probably got a bottle that your source had in stock for awhile...

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