Okay, first off.....dont wanna grow breasts.....
I am trying to decide what I'm going to use during my next cycle of test-e @ 500mg/week for 12 weeks. I am slightly prone to gyno so I wanna use something during my cycle. I was going to start with letro for the first 8 or 10 weeks, then switch to nolva for the last 2 weeks and keep on nolva for my PCT and add clomid. But I have heard that letro kills sex drive...not wanting that. So would anyone reccomend taking something like anastrozole (arimidex) or aromasin instead of letro?
I have done lots of reading, but I haven't been able to come up with any conclusive answers (I understand everyone's experiences are different, and we need to try different thing to find out what works for us, but I dont wanna **** around with gyno or any sides, so I want to get some experienced advice).
I would also rather buy one anti-e rather than two if I can and still keep safe, if not I'll buy 2. Anyways, I'm gonna get clomid for sure (PCT), and prolly nolva as well (PCT and possibly during cycle), but should I also get something to take during my cycle as well since I am prone to gyno? That's the reason I was gonna take letro.
Any comment would be greatly appreciated.
Hope everyone was able to follow my crazy rant.