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  1. #1
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    Help with HCG dosage after 15 week cycle

    My cycle was 700mg prop/wk, 400mg EQ/wk, 75 mg tren eod/wk, all for 15 weeks. I have 10,000 iu of HCG , clomid(enough to do 300 day 1, 100 days 2-11, 50 days 11-21) I made sure to run the prop a week past the EQ and tren, now should I take the HCG at 2500iu/wk for 4 weeks, then hit the clomid, or both at the same time? My buddy seems to think I should hit the clomid seperate from the HCG. Also, where should tribulus come into play here, during HCG or clomid, or both?? Any help would be appreciated. Oh yeah, and can I just take 1 2500 iu shot(1 ml) once a week for 4 weeks, or should I use the entire 10 ml of the bacteroistic water mixed in with the Pregnyl powder?

  2. #2
    phreezer's Avatar
    phreezer is offline Respected Member
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  3. #3
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Your question is 15 weeks to late, hcg should of been run during the cycle.


  4. #4
    THE CAV is offline New Member
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    if your thinking of runnign hcg at 2500mg a week the stop right there and punch yourself. after 1000mg a week it starts to convert into estrogen rather rapidly and will jsut make you worse off and do the exact opposite of what you want it to do.

  5. #5
    phreezer's Avatar
    phreezer is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE CAV
    if your thinking of runnign hcg at 2500mg a week the stop right there and punch yourself. after 1000mg a week it starts to convert into estrogen rather rapidly and will jsut make you worse off and do the exact opposite of what you want it to do.
    uhhhhh.....that's why we run nolvadex concurrently with HCG ...

  6. #6
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    I've just heard so many theories about this **** its hard to know what is best for a first time user. In a perfect world HCG would have been nice during cycle, but I didnt have access to it until recently. I've heard many theories, 10 days straight HCG, eod HCG, 3-4 weeks HCG, etc etc. I'm kind of leaning towards 500 iu/day for 10 days followed by standard clomid procedure and tribulus during both. Not sure if I wanna hit the full 10,000 iu as its my first time using it. Any more suggestions?

  7. #7
    THE CAV is offline New Member
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    if your gonna do 500ius a day then please run nolva with that. your jstu gonna induce gyno if you dont

  8. #8
    KINGKONG's Avatar
    KINGKONG is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    Your question is 15 weeks to late, hcg should of been run during the cycle.

    Bottom Line you to late...

  9. #9
    phreezer's Avatar
    phreezer is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG
    Bottom Line you to late...
    I disagree...

    Read the link I posted and you'll see why I believe this...

  10. #10
    Dozerd is offline Junior Member
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG
    Bottom Line you to late...
    Ok, well the bottom line really is I was looking for a helpful answer so if you havent a clue then dont ****ing reply. And dont tell me that everybody runs HCG during thier entire cycle, not all of us on the board have unlimited access to gear or funds at the snap of our fingers. The original question was how would you run it now?? Not how you would have ran it during cycle, I didnt have it during the entire cycle, condemn me to hell already, christ!!!

  12. #12
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
    Mesomorphyl is offline Smart Ass Member
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    phreezer is right in my experiences... I have ran 1000iu for 10 days strait, and I have used 2000iu every 4 days for a total of 5 shots. I currently use the later and hit it mid-cycle as well as at the end. Remember to run nolvadex .

  13. #13
    KINGKONG's Avatar
    KINGKONG is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    Ok, well the bottom line really is I was looking for a helpful answer so if you havent a clue then dont ****ing reply. And dont tell me that everybody runs HCG during thier entire cycle, not all of us on the board have unlimited access to gear or funds at the snap of our fingers. The original question was how would you run it now?? Not how you would have ran it during cycle, I didnt have it during the entire cycle, condemn me to hell already, christ!!!
    What is this fvck with KONG day..I don't see you arguing with JohnnyB...The truth being told I was going to write up a whole PCT for you but my girlfriends parents stopped by before I could write anything..So I just gave you my opinion that during a 15 week cycle you should have ran HCG throughout..If you look up 99% of my post(besides the saluu ones)Iam helping PPL to the best of my ability..IMO you should run your normal clomid PCT if thats what you have on hand and 4 grams a trib a day throughout PCT..You need to really chill out and mature you sound really high strung..
    Oh and maybe you could reasearch this sh!t BEFORE you go on a cycle...So then you wouldn't have to ask stupid questions that have been covered ten million times..In the wrong forum I might add...Everybody has there own opinions on HCG and when it should be run..I have my own..Chill out stayinstacked,go eat a valuim or something..

  14. #14
    KINGKONG's Avatar
    KINGKONG is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Good post I just tend to disagree...I like starting clomid right away after the last shot clears my body.. Ive ran 500iu for the ten days before I got off and seems to be a nice way of getting your HPTA back in the swing of things so to speak...But like Ive said everybody runs there HCG different and has different theory's on what way works best..Iam still testing out different things on myself...BTW good to see you on this board...
    Last edited by KINGKONG; 05-03-2005 at 11:50 AM.

  15. #15
    phreezer's Avatar
    phreezer is offline Respected Member
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    Thanks.. it's good to be here..

    There are some valid points to both sides of this argument.. and I agree some people do have better luck with one method over another.. I'm not going to say that someone is wrong.. I will just state my personal experience, and what I've learned over the years.. for me, that is the optimal HCG method.. and I've experimented with other methods..

    This is why research is so important.. people need to see the differing opinnions and come to their own conclusions when presented with all the facts...

    thanks again for the welcome!

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