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  1. #1
    xplicit is offline Member
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    What exaclty is a bulk cycle and cut cycle..

    What excatly defines a bulk cycle and cut cycle ?

    Is it how much mass you gain like anything under 20 pounds is considered cut???

    Cant some one just start off there cycle with bulking and try to cut it up what would that be considered.

    For example i hear deca is for bulk and eq is cutting but yet i heard when both were run with winstrol they gave similar gains in mass.

    I have heard that my cycle is a cut cycle whcih in a snese it is but im hoping to gain 20 pounds which is acheiveable and in my mind that is some bulk
    165-185 is bulk and mass in my mind.

    I think this is important to try and clarify the aspects or requirments of what exactly is a bulk cycle and cut cycle so people dont get confused.

    also if anyone can make a list of gear that fall under each catorgory that would be great.

  2. #2
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    bulk: calorie surplus
    cut: calorie deficit

  3. #3
    xplicit is offline Member
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    eq is considered a cut but it makes you eat more so doesnt that kinda go under the catogory of bulk calorie intake ?

  4. #4
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
    D3m3nt3d is offline AR's Whore D'Oeuvre
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    EQ puts on mass yes, but not like test..EQ also keeps the water retention alot lower than Test would, i personally am using EQ in my next cycle to bulk with, only cuz i am kinda acne prone so i will not be using test with the d-bol

  5. #5
    Ranger is offline New Member
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    Good answers all the way simplify even further....the difference is.... DIET


  6. #6
    xplicit is offline Member
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    So its not necessarily the gear u use that determines the bulk or cut but the diet? Is that a good conclusion ? If that is to be the case then no gear really is specifically used for cutting or bulk ?

  7. #7
    Deadend's Avatar
    Deadend is offline Associate Member
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    Originally posted by xplicit
    So its not necessarily the gear u use that determines the bulk or cut but the diet? Is that a good conclusion ? If that is to be the case then no gear really is specifically used for cutting or bulk ?
    From the research I've done you said it right there X. It's all in the diet. I have read that eq is a good drug to use either way and you just adjust your diet based on your goals.

  8. #8
    hammerhead's Avatar
    hammerhead is offline Member
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    Your GOAL is to gain weight so by definition you're doing a MASS CYCLE - whatever gear you take and how much you take and what you eat is all designed for you to get bigger and stronger. If EQ puts the weight on you stack it with sus and d-bol and you eat a shitload then it is a bulking steroid . At least today it is.

    Next year if you weigh enough and you want to get stronger and not bigger and you want harder muscles moreso than bigger muscles that will be a CUTTING CYCLE because your GOAL is to get ripped. So you just might take EQ and clen and some others and eat a lean diet and get cut up and hard.

    Is EQ a bulking or cutting steroid? Both, either and niether could all be answers to that question.

  9. #9
    Ajax's Avatar
    Ajax is offline Senior Member
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    Dr. E?s summary is succinct and to the point. I?d liker to take that and expand on it:

    Bulk cycle: AS + calorie surplus; goal is quantity; to gain the maximum amount of muscle mass.

    Cut cycle: AS + calorie deficit; goal is quality; to reduce fat & make muscles look harder and more defined.

    AS are used in both cycles, but for different reasons. In a bulking cycle AS is used primarily to gain muscle, in a cutting cycle it is used to prevent muscle loss while on a calorie restricted diet.
    Different AS are chosen for bulking stacks and cutting stacks for specific properties that contribute to the overall goals of the cycle. EQ might be used in a bulking stack ?cuz it contributes to size and gives great vascularity and it makes you eat, eat, eat. EQ might also be used in a cutting stack for improved vascularity, it?s muscle sparing abilities and because it does not cause water retention--you don?t want to be bloated when you are cutting.

    Hope that helps...

  10. #10
    xplicit is offline Member
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    Ok thanks for the explanation ajax. I use to think certain gear was used for certain results, but it mainly depends on your goal (bulk or cut)which dicates your diet. Some gear may have qualities that are online with your goals but that doesnt mean gears are one dimension since you can adjust your diet and routine to take advantage of some of the steroids better characterisitcs. The eq example is a perfect example to how you can use the eq best charcteritics toward your bulk or cutting goal.
    a characteristic of Eq is it makes you eat and helps put on some size size that will help your goal of bulking. The vascualarity is a great aspect of eq for those people who want to cut. So basically to sum it up steroids arent one dimension find there best qualities and use them toward your goal and build a good diet around it.
    Thanks it definity helped me out

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