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Thread: changing from Armidex to Nolva

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    New York

    changing from Armidex to Nolva

    I just wanted a reality check on this. I am in the middle of a cycle and have been using arimdex from day 1. My supply is limited but I have lots of nolva on hand. Is there any reason that I should not switch bettwen one and the other mid-cycle. It would not be a problem for me to get more arimidex if it is, but is it necessary?

    FYI, this is a cutting cycle, and I am on week 6 of a 12 week cycle. Its actually the first time I have used arimidex and I like the fact that water retention has been minimal.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Secret Volcano Lair
    yes it's fine to switch. you'll notice that nolva is slightly less effective than arimidex at keeping the water away. if you switch from nolva to arimidex mid cycle then you'll notice a few days of water rebound because estrogen levels are high when using nolva, but the estrogen just can't bind to their receptor which are occupied by the nolva. your body will take a few days to clear this estrogen naturally while arimidex prevents any more test from aromatizing into estrogen. however, the switch that you're making shouldn't have this type of rebound.

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