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  1. #1
    RON's Avatar
    RON is offline Anabolic Member
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    Help Im sick of hiding my gear

    Ok heres the deal. On my first cycle my wife said to me "you better not be thinkin about using steroids ." Well, here I am 2 cycles later feeling like I need to let her in on my little secret. Anyone have any good things I can tell her to make her see my point of view. I want her to know but I don't want her to atempt to stop me.

    TNT, Im sure you got some good advice for me bro. Anyone's help is appreciated

  2. #2
    kingjmack's Avatar
    kingjmack is offline Junior Member
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    Marriage is about compromise. If she is truly deep down inside against steroids , then you might want to think about quitting.
    A good, strong marriage is not worth losing someone ever gear.

  3. #3
    TheStromba's Avatar
    TheStromba is offline Associate Member
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    My wife actually gives me my injections.

    If she was against it though, it would be difficult to change her mind. If your wife is stuck with the stereotypes about gear, you may never be able to change her mind.

    Then if you get caught doin' a cycle anyway, you will really be in trouble.

    IMO - Don't Tell !

    telling might make you feel better, but it may cause major problems

    good luck

  4. #4
    Tankass's Avatar
    Tankass is offline Senior Member
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    I say you sit her down and let her know whats up. Explain to her that you know how they work. Use lots of talk about recepter sites and other BS that makes her not understand. Show her your researched this shit.

  5. #5
    Tex is offline Junior Member
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    my wife was against them at first, but when she found out how important it was to me, and how much research I had done, along with making sure to be as safe as possible it made her feel a little better. she was also happy that i talked to her about it before i started. she now gives me all my inj. best of luck to ya. best policy is to be honest.

  6. #6
    hammerhead's Avatar
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    When I decided to use gear I thought about hiding it from my girlfriend. I figured she'd disapprove. The more I thought about sneaking around and hiding my stuff and making sure nothing was left in the trash for her to see and on and on ... I decided i'm too old for that and I really don't like keeping secrets between us. Not something like that. Trust is way too important to me and I cannot expect to get the truth if I can't give it.

    I told her i'd done the stuff before a long time ago - which is true - that I knew what it does to me and I know what i'm doing and i'm not going to let it affect my personality or my health in any substantial way. I even told her about the injections - that it was the only safe way to do it.

    Surprisingly she said she was okay with it - only because I reassured her I would not let it affect our relationship.

    Boy that was a load off my chest. Thank God i'm not having to sneak around and hide it from her. I did not jeopardize her trust.

    There is no way I could have kept it a secret anyway. I'm eating like a horse, getting bigger fast and i'm definitely hornier and alot more fun under the sheets. Trust me - a woman will notice this.

    I don't know how much trust you have in each other or how much control over you she expects to have - but it seems best to tell her what you're doing and remember to reasure her you know what you're doing (you DO don't you?) and you're not going to let this affect your relationship. Good luck to you man and remember - trust is something that takes a lifetime to build and a minute to destroy.

  7. #7
    NightOp is offline Member
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    im not married, but like kingjmack said, if she loves you the way you are and will be greatly concerned, then maybe you should reconsider.. On the other hand if you are being responsible and feel that she will understand, then go for it... Either way honesty didn't get to be the best policy for no reason

  8. #8
    thespiritofaman is offline Junior Member
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    Ron, I know what you are going through to a lesser degree. I told my girfriend about what I wanted to and she flipped out. Considering she is going to medical school right now, I could tell that telling her I have done a cycle before was going to be a bit of a fight. However I decided to tell her during my first week of my cycle for this year and it was a a big fight. I mean she came at me the next day with tons of Negative info from the hospital she works at and medical journals etc. But I was prepared and showed her all the research I have done and how it helps in the self-esteem department as well. (we all know it does),, and I want to make my first competition this year. It took sometime,but since she knows that I am no dummy with no knowledge, she leaned back alot.

    Bottom line, she gets me my needles and syringes and she throws them in for me. Go with the truth, Honesty is the best policy.

    Also tell her that it is impotant to you and that you are willing to go to the doctor during your mid and after cycles. Once she sees how educated you are on the subject, you might be able to see eye to eye.

    Good luck brother, straight from the heart!


  9. #9
    RON's Avatar
    RON is offline Anabolic Member
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    Believe me I wanna tell her. I wanted to in the beginning. Its just gonna be hard to make her see past the stereotypes. As far as hidding it well, I have so far. She thinks creatine does wonders now.

  10. #10
    TNT's Avatar
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    Cool Good advice? Yes, but not easy advice.

    Originally posted by RON
    TNT, Im sure you got some good advice for me bro. Anyone's help is appreciated.
    Why, oh why, has my sleep been disturbed?

    Okay. Seriously, Ron, the caption says it all. I think I"ve got some good advice, but it is not easy advice.

    What if it was your wife, and her particular thing was, say, shooting heroin? Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that doing AS is akin to doing heroin. But I want you to picture the mental position into which this puts a person. You would likely say, "Hey, babe, it's either/or. The smack goes, or I go."

    What if the issue were cigarettes? Ditto. In other words, everyone has their limitations as to what is acceptable and what is not. To us, steroids are acceptable. To others, they will not be acceptable. And it's not limited to AS, drugs, or cigarettes. If you are Jewish or Muslim, then pork may not be acceptable. If you live in Utah, chances are that you will find Coca Cola is not acceptable. Different people, different standards.

    What you have to decide is, how important is your relationship? If your wife actually set a standard in which it was a choice of either her or the steroids, which would you choose? Your answer to that hypothetical question wll indicate two things: (1) how psychologically dependent you are on AS, and (2) the quality of your marriage in general.

    One question that pops up is based on your statement, "On my first cycle my wife said to me 'you better not be thinkin about using steroids.'" Why would your wife have said this in the first place? Obviously, the subject of AS arose in some context around the time of your first cycle. And obviously, you decided to do AS, and continue doing AS, anyway.

    I can't tell you what to do, although I will say that I lean on the side of honesty in relationships. Because if your wife ever learns about it from someone other than you, she will wonder (quite reasonably) what else you have been keeping from her. But if you're going to be honest, you have to realize that doing AS may be unacceptable to her (regardless of what others who have responded may say or what they have experienced in their relationships). So you may have to prioritize on what is more important.

    Two final thoughts . . . First, there is the matter of d-e-n-i-a-l. Your wife may inately know already that you are doing AS, or she may not - I would not presume to speculate. But I've seen too many counseling situations in which significant others and close relatives go into big-time denial about something: the parent who is in denial about a gay kid, the wife who is in denial about an alcoholic husband, the guy who is in denial about the fact that he's about to be canned at work, ad ininitum, ad nauseam. They may subconsciously know these things, but they don't want to hear about them - they don't want to be confronted with them, and they don't want to be forced into dealing with them. I don't know if that's the case with your wife, but I raise it as a possibility.

    Finally, explore the possibility that you may be in denial about a steroid addiction. Physical addiction to steroids is not as common as psychological addiction - the rush of using a needle (regardless of what happens to be in it), the notion that you're get big and bulked, the notion of havihng other secret compadres who are also on the dark side, and other factors that would make it difficult to say no. Not to mention the notion the not using AS will make you any less liked, respected, or less of a nice guy. This is one game in which peer pressure does not belong.

    So, have I given you any answers? Nope. And that wasn't my intent. I hope I've helped you explore the situation, but I think you already know that you have to take the responsibility in this situation to do the right thing - whatever it is. And whatever you do, know that our thoughts are with you.

  11. #11
    RON's Avatar
    RON is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thanks for the input TNT. If I had to chose I could give it up no doubt bro. I do love the feeling. Im not even gonna lie about that. However I love my family more

    I was actually hoping that you could give me a few things to tell her that might make her understand the other side. I was gonna show her all the safety precautions I take. Then I was gonna assure her that the stories she has seen on Television were people who completely abuse Anabolics. I can't tell her it's good for you. That would just be another lie. Any thoughts? Anyone?

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