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  1. #1
    English Power Lifter's Avatar
    English Power Lifter is offline Junior Member
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    power lifting competition-need help

    Hi, this is my first posts, hope im in the correct section for this question to be asked. Basically i have a power lifting competition coming up on the 2nd july. I bench 396lbs, deadlift 506lbs and squat 352lbs. Basically i have just finished a steroid cycle of 10 weeks of basically anadrol 50 (anadrol for only 4 weeks) and sustanon 250 (full ten weeks). This was my first proper course, i have been on one other, but, just consisted of dbol and deca . I didn't realise i was entering the competition until a week ago, so obviously the timing is wrong for me to enter the competition as i am now off for a supposed 10 weeks as of from last week. My question is: is it o.k. to go back on the anadrol for 4 weeks as its a competition? Thanks in advance. If i start this cycle now i'll have added serious strength by time of competition, but, im also concerned about my health being on drol for long periods. If i start in two weeks i might have the same lifts as above, but only estimate of course.

  2. #2
    English Power Lifter's Avatar
    English Power Lifter is offline Junior Member
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    I'm 19 years old, 228lbs and 6ft 2. I know my lifts aren't huge, but its only a small competition. I'm lifting around the same as the rest, except squat, need abit more work in that region.

  3. #3
    punchrf's Avatar
    punchrf is offline Anabolic Member
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    if you go back on anadrol only your going to shut yourself down hard like deca and dbol cycle you did. throw some test prop in there too imo and do a short cycle if you want to be on during that competition. maybe get your liver values checked before you hop back on cycle. how long have you been off for?

  4. #4
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    you did not mention any pct mate,are you goin to run any?

  5. #5
    English Power Lifter's Avatar
    English Power Lifter is offline Junior Member
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    I have been off for 7 days, i want to go back on sust and anadrol ....and maybe throw in some other stuff on the big day. Most use anadrol at the start of their cycle but i use it on the last weeks so i can get my max lifts to peak. What i was saying is if i go back on now i'll be doing a continuous run of drol for about 8-10 weeks, anyone been on for that long?

  6. #6
    English Power Lifter's Avatar
    English Power Lifter is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by booz
    you did not mention any pct mate,are you goin to run any?
    yes i use hcg and clomid. 3000i.u. hcg first week, second week 3000i.u. and third week 1500i.u. hcg. and clomid i'll run for maybe 5 weeks. but i won't use if i stay on of course.

  7. #7
    punchrf's Avatar
    punchrf is offline Anabolic Member
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    i've ran dbol for 8 weeks straight which wasn't that smart because my liver was beat up after my cycle but if you decide to do it i would add another 4 weeks to your off cycle time. definetely make sure you have your liver supps if you run drol again. if it's a small competition why worry about it?

  8. #8
    English Power Lifter's Avatar
    English Power Lifter is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by punchrf
    i've ran dbol for 8 weeks straight which wasn't that smart because my liver was beat up after my cycle but if you decide to do it i would add another 4 weeks to your off cycle time. definetely make sure you have your liver supps if you run drol again. if it's a small competition why worry about it?
    because i want to win!

  9. #9
    English Power Lifter's Avatar
    English Power Lifter is offline Junior Member
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    Cheers, i'll put some input back on this thread when im done. i strarted my drol today and will have sust later.

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