Planned this cycle with help from a new friend.(Thanx) Just wanted feedback from everybody. First off let me just tell you lil about me so you have an idea what i am going for. I am 28 5'8 143lbs. I'm an ectomorph as you can see. I would like to get to, over the course of time to about 180-190 lean and hard. So i was thinking of this bulking cycle. While trying to keep the water off.
Weeks 1-4
Dbol 30mg ED 2pills 3x a day
Weeks 1-10 (mixed in same syringe mon/thur)
testoviron depot 500mg
EQ 400mg
Weeks 8-12 (5 weeks)
Winny 50mg ED (10 pills a day split throughout the day)
Armidex .25 ED Day 1 through ?
Should I continue through clomid or stop when i start the clomid
Clomid - take 3 days after winny
300mg day 1
100mg day 2-11
50 mg day 12-21
Milk Thistle 1000mg ED with dbol and winny, also start taking it 1 week before start of dbol and winny
Eating 3000-4000 calories a day
Cardio 3x a week 20mins. (just to try and help keep water off)
I've done some test before and some sus250 but wasn't as educated. I went up to about 172 but just looked really bloated and eventually lost everything. This was last year.
All feedback is appreciated. Thanx