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Thread: Please critique cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Smile Please critique cycle

    Planned this cycle with help from a new friend.(Thanx) Just wanted feedback from everybody. First off let me just tell you lil about me so you have an idea what i am going for. I am 28 5'8 143lbs. I'm an ectomorph as you can see. I would like to get to, over the course of time to about 180-190 lean and hard. So i was thinking of this bulking cycle. While trying to keep the water off.

    Weeks 1-4

    Dbol 30mg ED 2pills 3x a day

    Weeks 1-10 (mixed in same syringe mon/thur)

    testoviron depot 500mg
    EQ 400mg

    Weeks 8-12 (5 weeks)

    Winny 50mg ED (10 pills a day split throughout the day)

    Armidex .25 ED Day 1 through ?
    Should I continue through clomid or stop when i start the clomid

    Clomid - take 3 days after winny
    300mg day 1
    100mg day 2-11
    50 mg day 12-21

    Milk Thistle 1000mg ED with dbol and winny, also start taking it 1 week before start of dbol and winny

    Eating 3000-4000 calories a day

    Cardio 3x a week 20mins. (just to try and help keep water off)

    I've done some test before and some sus250 but wasn't as educated. I went up to about 172 but just looked really bloated and eventually lost everything. This was last year.

    All feedback is appreciated. Thanx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    the testoviron will blow u up if nothing else and myself i found even .5mg ed of armidex not effective against it I still carry a shitload of water maybe some people are just more prone than others and people swear by armidex personally I dont really care for it cos I have never seen anything good from it at the outrageous price it even costs me, if I could afford to run 1mg ed then I would give it ago but untill it comes down in price I wont bother. As for the rest looks good to me however thinking about it you want to leave at least 2.5 weeks in between finished eq and test and then starting clomid so time the winnie right so u run it to just over 2 weeks after stopping the others and then wait 2-3 days and start clomid


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I'm confused here i think. I will still be doing winny 2 weeks after last test/eq shot then wait 3 days till clomid as planned in the cycle isn't that already 2.5 weeks after last test/eq shot.

    Also your saying the testoviron will blow me up (water weight) should i just do the sus250 which i already have then?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I think i see what your saying.
    I was saying do winny weeks 8-12 ( 8,9,10,11,12 )
    Would this be right?

    Should I start it at beginning of 8th week or end of 8th week(beginning of 9th week) ?

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