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  1. #1
    halifax is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2002

    Unhappy If blood comes out does the juice still have effect??

    OK I´ve read all the postings but I could not find any answer to my question. I do everything right when I inject the stuff. Pull back to check for blood etc. BUT sometimes (today) a lot of blood oozes out. Not just a drop, but a lot...

    I understand the following if you hit a vein there is a major health issue involved.. You can die. If you do everything right and blood comes out then there is no problem. You survive.

    BUT what happens to the steroid ? Is it ruined if it enters the blood? That is, will it loose its effect? Should you inject a new dose??

    Maybe a stupid question, but I have wondered a lot about it!

  2. #2
    silverfox's Avatar
    silverfox is offline Retired Moderator
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Well yes that is a stupid question not a flame, but you should know better if your injecting. No it's normal for a bit of blood, hell sometimes it even shots out accross the room, make sure your assparating (pull back make sure no blood before you inject).

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