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Thread: If blood comes out does the juice still have effect??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Unhappy If blood comes out does the juice still have effect??

    OK I´ve read all the postings but I could not find any answer to my question. I do everything right when I inject the stuff. Pull back to check for blood etc. BUT sometimes (today) a lot of blood oozes out. Not just a drop, but a lot...

    I understand the following if you hit a vein there is a major health issue involved.. You can die. If you do everything right and blood comes out then there is no problem. You survive.

    BUT what happens to the steroid? Is it ruined if it enters the blood? That is, will it loose its effect? Should you inject a new dose??

    Maybe a stupid question, but I have wondered a lot about it!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Yes that is what I mean. It is usually normal that blood comes out.
    But if the steroid enters into the blood system will it loose its effect???
    Someone once told me that if I hit a vein and the roid enters the into the blood directly, it means that the roid will have no effect. The whole dose is lost! That I should do a new injection with a new dose.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    OK that´s good, but sometimes I just get a bit scared when the blood kind of flows down my leg... I do not experience any symptoms, but I am scared that I lose $20 worth of juice.

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